Ability to do annual (not monthly) budgeting with projection/forecasting capability
I do all my budgeting at an annual level since many of my expenses are not consistent month to month. I set budget goals per category and then track actuals + projections against those goals. I calculate projections based on 1 of 3 methodologies: a) monthly extrapolation, b) actuals plus manual estimate of future spend (for very infrequent expenses), or c) equal to annual budget (when I know exactly what the annual expense will be - like mortgages or insurance payments). As I go through the year, the projections get more accurate, and I compare the forecasted amount (actuals + projections) to the annual budget for each category.
@Stickboy, thanks for posting your suggestions to the Community!
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I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie