Accounts list needs a clearer hierarchy
I have a good number of accounts and I have real trouble making any sense of in the accounts list.
The organization aside, the list needs a much better visual hierarchy. Groupings are not at all apparent, there is only the slightest difference in font size to distinguish a parent from child group, and only a little triangle to distinguish a group from an account. It all requires a good deal of mental parsing to figure out where to look every time I see it. I really liked Mint's design, it was clear and clean. One issue that Simplfi has to contend with is multiple layers (Banking > Credit Card > Account) that I don't think add much value for the complexity they add. Would love to see a redesign here.
@Tony Kirk, thanks for sharing your feedback with the Community!
I'd suggest adding your vote and feedback to these existing requests, and then following them for updates:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie