Coinbase no longer connects due to a 103 error (edited)



  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @bobmablob,

    Thanks for the information! We forwarded your information to the appropriate team and appreciate you helping us out with the escalation of this issue.


    Coach Jon

  • bobmablob
    bobmablob Member ✭✭

    Coinbase then sent an additional update email

    You recently received an email from Coinbase titled “The new API key process is here” stating that effective June 10, 2024, we will be transitioning our existing retail API authentication to a new and improved key creation process powered by CDP. We are contacting you to let you know that this information is incorrect, and that we have fully transitioned our existing API authentication to the new key creation process starting today, July 17, 2024. Please see below for more information.

    If you haven’t already, create your new API Key today through our brand new API management page and onboard in a few steps.

    1. Go to the current API settings page and select “Create API Key”. You can manage, create, disable, and edit from one place.
    2. If you’re still using your legacy API keys, you can still access them from the same API settings page.
    3. Please note that you will no longer be able to edit or add legacy key types.
    4. Exchange & Prime keys are not impacted by this change

    If you represent a 3rd party platform integrating with Coinbase APIs, update your code today:
    If you have not yet migrated to a new key type, follow these guidelines to get started. Please note, new and legacy authentication methods have different key formats and you must support both types for your customers. Learn more.

    If you encounter any difficulties during the transition process or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our help center.

    We apologize for any confusion this caused.

    Thank you for being a Coinbase customer, please contact us if you have any questions.

  • RJM
    RJM Member

    Coinbase API key does not work. Legacy key generation is unavailable now. We back where we started:(

  • Dave L
    Dave L Member ✭✭✭

    I am having the same issue. Moved to new API and broke the connection. I waited the requested 48 hours and it did not help.

  • Dave L
    Dave L Member ✭✭✭

    @Coach Jon @Coach Natalie please note that if you moved over to new API and did not store (or lost) your legacy secret key, there is no way to go back. Sounds like several of us are stuck in that predicament. I saw in other ticket using legacy api was listed as the resolution, but that is no longer an option (and you cannot create new legacy api keys).

  • Dave L
    Dave L Member ✭✭✭

    @Coach Jon @Coach Natalie I noticed when pasting in my private key from the NEW API, the field on Simplifi was truncating what I pasted (it cut approximately 19 characters from the private key).

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey everyone, thanks for the info and updates!

    It looks like we are still working on escalating this issue from our end for users who don't already have a Legacy API Key created and are no longer able to create one, so having the most up-to-date info from Coinbase is very helpful in doing so — much appreciated! For now, you all can follow our Community Alert for updates on this issue:

    Thank you all for your continued patience as we work to resolve this matter!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • Leobas
    Leobas Member

    Any news on this? It's been months now and no solution? Is Quicken Simplifi doing anything to update their system or just letting it go? If so, can you guys remove the option to connect with Coinbase and stop promoting it works?

  • Cfishy
    Cfishy Member
    edited August 2024

    Yes, this is still not working and is very disappointing.

  • Yoa
    Yoa Member

    Still doesn't work. At this point just remove it entirely!?

    Or maybe just fix it. When you see so many people having problems just escalate the issue!

  • Very disappointed that a fix hasn't been shipped on this yet, given that it was originally escalated 6+ months ago

  • RajOnTrack
    RajOnTrack Member

    Any updates on connecting coinbase pro account ?

  • I'm also having this issue. Any ETA to resolution?

  • sami
    sami Member ✭✭✭

    When will Coinbase Developer Platform API keys begin working? My accounts even stopped updating using the legacy key as well at this point.

    Getting FDP-103 when trying to reconnect using new API key.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello everyone,

    We are aware of and still working on this known issue with Coinbase. We are continuing to investigate the issue so for now be sure to follow the alert for further updates.

    Thanks for your continued patience!

    -Coach Jon

This discussion has been closed.