Coinbase no longer connects due to a 103 error (edited)

Coinbase stopped working as of about a week ago. Creating new api keys and secrets does not solve the problem.
@kreptafire, thanks for reaching out!
When viewing your connection attempts for Coinbase from our end, I'm seeing a successful connection as of today. Are you connected again? If not, please provide more details, such as the specific error message received, etc.
We look forward to your reply!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I am having a similar issue.
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@Wfaizan, thanks for posting on this topic!
We need more info in order to understand the issue. Are you receiving a specific error code or message? Is the issue occurring on an existing account or when attempting to connect to Coinbase for the first time? How long has the issue been occurring for? Are you using the Quicken Simplifi Web App, Mobile App, or both?
Please let us know so we can best assist!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Coinbase recently disconnected. I went into my Coinbase account and I created a new API key. I used that information on Quicken and it said
To connect to Coinbase, you must re-enter your credentials. If that does not work, try entering them on the website at Coinbase to ensure they are correct.
Care Code: FDP-103
Quicken asks me for me API Key and API Secret. When I create a new API on Coinbase I am given; API Key Name, Key ID & Private Key. I have tried a combination of all of them with the same result.1 -
@Wfaizan, thanks for posting back!
Since the issue is occurring on an existing account, I'd suggest first establishing a fresh connection with the bank:
- Make all of the accounts with the bank manual by following the steps here.
- Once you see the account(s) listed in the Manual Accounts section under Settings > Accounts, go back through the Add Account flow to reconnect to the bank.
- Carefully link the account(s) found to your existing Quicken Simplifi account(s) by following the steps here.
If you continue to receive a 103 error when reconnecting, you'll want to follow these steps to troubleshoot it:
- Verify the bank being selected -- There may be several different versions of the same bank in the Add Account bank list, so be sure you're selecting the correct one. If you're not sure, compare the URLs shown for each bank.
- Verify your login information – Type your password/PIN into a text application to ensure you don’t have any typographical errors. Then, copy and paste your login information into Quicken Simplifi to ensure accuracy.
- Verify your login at the bank’s website – Try to sign in to your bank’s website using the same login credentials to ensure you've not locked yourself out of the account and that the credentials are still valid.
- Check for an app-specific password – Some banks require users to use a specific app password when connecting to a third party. Check with your bank to see if you need to use an app-specific password.
- Update your credentials – Try temporarily updating your password at your bank's website and then try again to connect to Quicken Simplifi. We recommend NOT using the following special characters: & < > / \.
Let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Coinbase is not a bank. It is a crypto exchange. Not sure what you are saying applies here.
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This connection is still not working. I think all the users here are having the same experience. API keys and secrets no longer work. Please give us an ETA on when the connection will be fixed. Also, since Simplifi is a paid service, I highly recommend passing on to your supervisors the need for automated connection failure detection so you do not need to rely on users to tell you when things are broken. As paying customers, we all expect due diligence on Quicken's part.
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Hey everyone, to clarify, Coinbase is considered a bank or financial institution in Quicken Simplifi since we use the same connection to provide automatic balance updates and transactions, etc. as every other bank listed. The troubleshooting steps for the specific 103 error code still apply, and in order to escalate it, we do need to ensure that all of the steps have been followed to the best of your ability.
If the 103 error persists after completing all of the applicable steps, the following would be needed for an escalation:
- The name of the account(s), as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- The name of the account(s), as it appears on the bank's website.
- Has there been any recent changes made to the bank's website or its sign-in process?
- What is the exact URL you use to log in to your account on the bank's website?
- What type of account(s) are you attempting to connect in Quicken Simplifi?
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
- The format of your password (DO NOT provide your actual password!). For example, "Quicken123$" would be coded as "Xxxxxxx###$", where a capital "X" indicates a capital letter, a lowercase "x" indicates a lowercase letter, and a "#" indicates numbers; the actual special characters used will need to be provided.
You can DM this info if you prefer to keep it private, and you can also contact our Support Team instead if you want a private interaction in general. As for using an API Key and Secret, I believe we will need the Secret instead of a Password in the coded format.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hey everyone, we ended up getting this issue escalated and now have an Alert for everyone to follow for updates:
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@kreptafire Where do you generate the API key on coinbase? I haven't been able to find that in my settings. Thanks!
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New user here and I already have an API and secret and still not working. Information is CORRECT but getting the 103 code. Is this going to be fixed soon?
Thank you.
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Hello @Elk,
We do not have an ETA at this moment, but you can follow the Alert @Coach Natalie shared for updates.
Coach Jon
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I waited 48hrs. Same result
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@Wfaizan, thanks for letting us know!
Due to the private nature of this issue and the data we will need to gather from you to consider your case for escalation, I'd suggest contacting Chat Support directly for troubleshooting and data gathering.
Let us know how it goes in case it helps other users!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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i have the same issue. What is the update on resolving ?
To clarify: i am pasting generated API Key from Coinbase site and Secret ( from local json file that i saved during creation)
Here are the formats of the key and the secret are being passed without double quotes
api_key = "organizations/{org_id}/apiKeys/{key_id}"
api_secret = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nYOUR PRIVATE KEY\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n”
I have tested in Python using my values and it worked: here is Python code :from coinbase import jwt_generator
api_key = "organizations/{org_id}/apiKeys/{key_id}"
api_secret = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nYOUR PRIVATE KEY\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n"request_method = "GET"
request_path = "/api/v3/brokerage/accounts"def main():
jwt_uri = jwt_generator.format_jwt_uri(request_method, request_path)
jwt_token = jwt_generator.build_rest_jwt(jwt_uri, api_key, api_secret)
print(f"export JWT={jwt_token}")if name == "main":
main()3 -
I have the same issue. What is the update on the resolution?
To clarify, I have been passing following pair of values for key and secret:
api_key = "organizations/{org_id}/apiKeys/{key_id}"
api_secret = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nYOUR PRIVATE KEY\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n"In addition, I have tested Authentication code in Python and it worked:
Example found in Coinbase documentation
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@RJM, thanks for posting on this topic!
If you've followed the instructions in the Alert and waited 48 hours before connecting to Coinbase in Quicken Simplifi after generating your API Key, please contact Chat Support directly for troubleshooting and data gathering so we can escalate your case.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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hi Natalie, I have waited over 48 hours and got the same error. I am waiting for the Quicken Simplifi support to do something about this.
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@RJM, thanks for letting us know!
Please provide the following data so we can review your case for escalation:
- If the error is occurring on an existing account in Quicken Simplifi, the name of the account as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- A screenshot of the FDP-103 error in Quicken Simplifi (please expand the message at the top so you can capture the full message with the error code).
- A screenshot of the API Keys page from Coinbase's website that shows the date and time for when the Key was generated.
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (please redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
Please also provide your logs via the 'Send Feedback' option:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
We look forward to your reply!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I'm having this same problem with Coinbase. Followed the instructions in this post. Still doesn't work. As mentioned earlier with Simplifi being a paid service this connection shouldn't be down for so long without a resolution. Please advise.
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Hi Natalie,
per your request on 4/18 at 1:48 PM, please find the details:
- if the error is occurring on an existing account in Quicken Simplifi, the name of the account as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- Answer: existing account and Name as it appears as [removed - privacy]
- Answer: existing account and Name as it appears as [removed - privacy]
- A screenshot of the FDP-103 error in Quicken Simplifi (please expand the message at the top so you can capture the full message with the error code).
- Answer:
- A screenshot of the API Keys page from Coinbase's website that shows the date and time for when the Key was generated.
- Answer:
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (please redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
- Answer:
Logs were created and sent per your request: report created - reference id 428919837101684994
0 - if the error is occurring on an existing account in Quicken Simplifi, the name of the account as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
@RJM, thank you!
Your last screenshot does not appear to show the page URL. We need to see the Coinbase URL at the top of the page in the URL bar. 🙏
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hi Natalie,
Coinbase Portfolio URL =
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@RJM, thank you!
When viewing your screenshot of the error code in Quicken Simplifi, your API Secret looks funky. Let's have you take out everything before the "nMHC…" part and try again.
I'd also suggest making sure there's nothing funky at the end. Let us know if this works!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hi Natalie,
i have tried and got the same error.( see pic)
I want to be clear: key and secret provided in the following format,
api_key = "organizations/{org_id}/apiKeys/{key_id}"
api_secret = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n{YOUR PRIVATE KEY}\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n”When Quicken Simpifi asked for Key/secret, i have provide
key as {key_id} value ( see above) without organizations/{org_id}/apiKeys/
secret as {YOUR PRIVATE KEY}
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I am experiencing the same issues reported here. I generated a new API Key with view permission for Simplifi, as I have previously done. When attempting to connect through Simplifi using:
API Key = "organizations/{org_id}/apiKeys/{key_id}"
API Secret = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n{your_private_key}\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n”
I receive the following error dialog:
"To connect to Coinbase, you must re-enter your credentials. If that does not work, try entering them on the website at Coinbase to ensure they are correct.
Care Code: FDP-103"0 -
Some additional context, as the member @RJM indicates, the expected input format for the Coinbase API endpoint includes the prefix and headers (this endpoint expects the unmodified API Key and Private Key as it is shown to the user on Coinbase):
{api_key} = "organizations/{org_id}/apiKeys/{key_id}"
{api_secret} = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n{your_private_key}\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n”
I have also tried the following with no success:
1. {api_key}, {api_secret} — format expected by the Coinbase API endpoint
2. {key_id}, {api_secret}
3. {key_id}, {your_private_key}0 -
Hello @quick-lotus,
If you've followed the instructions in the Alert and waited 48 hours before connecting to Coinbase in Quicken Simplifi after generating your API Key, please contact Chat Support directly for troubleshooting and data gathering so we can escalate your case.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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I have followed alert ( 48 hours wait).I have created awhile back ticket … I use community for the awareness and follows Coach Natalie requests .
Please note that I have tried unmodified key/secret pair and received the same error