Your goal area is severely lacking. It should not have to be linked to account! Also you should be able to start a goal with how ever much $ you want, even if you cant prove it is in an account.
This is one of the ways your software is to interlinked. Also I should be able to use a money market account as a goal account. most retirement and other goals come from money market. Only having it link to regular accounts is very limiting.
Also it should not have to link to an account! You should be able to make a goal, give it a starting amount, and tell it how much will be contributed per month. (say retirement) It should then calculate it out to whatever year you desire, and whatever total amount your goal is, and then let you know by the money you say you have, weather you are on track or not.
As of right now, your goal section is worthless.
@amhopi, thanks for posting your suggestions to the Community!
I went ahead and moved this out of Feature Requests, as you want to outline just one suggestion per Idea post in accordance with our guidelines here:
With that, it sounds like we already have existing requests for most of the items you mentioned:
If you're looking for any additional abilities, such as the ability to enter a "Saved so far" amount during a Savings Goal setup without selecting an account (I believe this is what you mean), you'd want to create a separate Idea post for each suggestion so other users can vote on that individual item accordingly.
Otherwise, I'd suggest reviewing our help article on how Savings Goals work to get a better idea of the current design and how you can make it work for you:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Lacking yes, worthless no. Do vote on the links above, that’s the best way to get Simplifi to consider our ideas and feedback.
Personally, I’m content using them based on the rules in this post…Chris
Spreadsheet user since forever.
Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.1