Missing Alight Solutions (3 Merged Votes)

mbtins Member

They are the financial institution for many 401k accounts. This works in Quicken, but is not yet in Simplifi.

58 votes

In Review · Last Updated

We are working to establish connections with various Alight Solutions options, however, we cannot guarantee that we'll be able to support a requested bank.


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  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    Welcome, @mbtins! I believe we have this already on our list, but just to be sure, can you confirm the URL you use to access your accounts? Thanks! :smiley:

  • mbtins
    mbtins Member

    @Coach Nicole said:
    Welcome, @mbtins! I believe we have this already on our list, but just to be sure, can you confirm the URL you use to access your accounts? Thanks! :smiley:

    The browser based URL is www.yourbenefitsresources.com/cummins (cummins is the employer) . It will then redirect to an internal alight url.

  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    Gotcha. I'll get it added just in case it is different from the current one on our list. Thanks for confirming!

  • NateK
    NateK Member

    Alight Solutions provides HR services for organizations. Mint is able to connect and pull in 401K information as an investment account.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @NateK Thank you for your comment. One of my 401k plans is also handled by Alight Solutions, but I can only access the account through the employer's HR/benefits website. When I went to Alight's own site, https://alight.com/, I was immediately redirected to a search page: Find Your HR Website Is there an Alight Solutions URL you normally use to connect to your plan?

  • NateK
    NateK Member
    edited January 2020

    It took a little while to figure out how to connect it. These are the instructions Alight provided on their site

    Connect With Online Tools - Quicken® and Mint®

    Your Customer ID and PIN for Quicken and Mint

    Follow the instructions in Quicken and Mint to set up and activate online account services for your savings plan account. Here's the information you'll need:

    • The Financial Institution for your account is Alight Solutions.
    • When you activate online account services through Quicken or Mint, you'll be prompted for a customer ID and PIN:

      Customer ID - Enter your user ID, enter a hyphen, and then enter P9999 (this is your company ID).
      For example, if your user ID were DoctorClark, your customer ID would look like this: DoctorClark-P9999.
      PIN - Enter the same password or PIN that you use to log on to this site.

    So i first has to create a username and password since i was previously entering through my company's intranet site using a single sign on (Sso). Once i had that, i had to figure out what my company ID was. This was not provided anywhere on the alight website. Thanks to reddit, i was able to find the Company ID by going to the Alight website, searching for my company to go to my company's Alight site. From there i hit 'Ctrl + U' to view the page source and searched for the phrase "Client ID" (clientId":"1234x was the result). So i had my username-company Id combo natekxxxxx-1234x and password so that was all i needed to connect.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @NateK Thanks! I've submitted a request to add Alight Solutions, using the login method you described, to our list of supported financial institutions. We'll post a notification in this topic and in our Product Updates discussion, when we are able to add it.

  • Wooloomooloo2
    Wooloomooloo2 Member ✭✭✭

    I also came here to report this missing. Usually in Mint or Personal Capital and the like, it's under 'Hewitt' 401(k) - it's my employers 401(k) which is Morgan Stanley. Also in Quicken it's there under Hewitt.

    I know investments are not the primary focus of Simplifi but this is a huge part of my net worth, so always reassuring to see it!

    Otherwise loving Simplifi so far!

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @Wooloomooloo2 Thank you for reporting this. We're aware that 401k accounts managed by Alight require some extra verification, and we're currently working to make this easier for our users. We are also developing a more full-functioned Investments module that we hope to roll out in the near future which should help with a number of these issues.

    And we're delighted that you're enjoying using Simplifi! We're doing our best to make it a versatile t tool that takes the worry out of money management!

  • jl4usc
    jl4usc Member

    I too have a 401K account at Alight Solutions. I'm very much looking forward to this connection. Thanks!

  • jl4usc
    jl4usc Member

    Any update on being able to connect to Alight?

  • Coach Paco
    Coach Paco Moderator admin

    @jl4usc@gmail.com It's still being worked on to be added into Simplifi.

  • jl4usc
    jl4usc Member
    Any update on this?
  • Coach Paco
    Coach Paco Moderator admin

    @jl4usc@gmail.com No updates at this time.

  • jl4usc
    jl4usc Member
    Is there an ETA for this connection yet?
  • Coach Paco
    Coach Paco Moderator admin

    No ETA at this time.

  • jl4usc
    jl4usc Member
    Is there an ETA for this connection yet?
  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hi there -- Sadly, we still don't have an ETA on when we'll be able to get this added. However, our team is actively working to get new financial institutions added. We'll be sure to post here as soon as we have an update! Thanks :smiley:

  • jl4usc
    jl4usc Member
    Any ETA on this yet? Are we talking days, weeks, months? It would be helpful for me in making my decision of whether or not to stick with this product. Thanks!
  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hi @jl4usc -- we are still working to get this added. Sadly, we don't have an ETA, but we'll keep you posted as soon as we have more information.

  • jl4usc
    jl4usc Member
    Any update on timing for this connection?
  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    Sadly, we can't provide a timeframe as we don't have one to provide. Our provider is working to establish a connection, but we're unsure if or when this connection will be added. As soon as we have any additional information, we will post here. Thank you!

  • Has there been any progress in adding Alight Solutions? We are missing a significant portion of our investments and not sure Simplifi is going to work for us going forward if this can't be added.
  • robkurtz
    robkurtz Member
    +1... it's especially strange since regular Quicken works with Alight.
  • mattjm
    mattjm Member
    edited March 2021
    Hi - I need Alight Solutions too. This was requested in January 2020, and I'm posting this March 6, 2021 with no ETA offered.

    Alight is available in [removed] and [removed]. I just signed up and so far I really like Simplifi and want to make it work, but without broader financial institution support, it's just not a complete solution.
  • Sam
    Sam Member
    So, any chance we have any update or progress on this one?
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited March 2021
    Hello @Sam,

    I apologize for the delay on this! Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA to provide for this request, at this time. I can, however, confirm that Alight Solutions has been added to our list of requested connections. 

    Sorry that I don't have a better answer, but I hope this helps! :smile:

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • Drew
    Drew Member ✭✭
    edited June 2021
    Okay, it's June 2021, is there any chance of y'all adding Alight Solutions' connectivity?!? I just signed up for the Simplifi 30-day trial and this is a deal breaker concern. I have latest Quicken and testing both [removed] and [removed] as possible replacements along with Simplifi. All three of those can connect without issue.
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @Drew,

    Welcome to Simplifi, and thanks for posting to the Community!

    I apologize that there is still no update to provide on this one as of yet; please be sure to stay tuned for future updates! :smiley:

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • Drew
    Drew Member ✭✭
    Thanks @Coach Natalie! If y'all can get an Alight Solutions connection within the next 30 days, then that would be great, because from what I've seen so far, I prefer Simplifi to the competition. But, if it's still a no go at 30 days, then I must move on.

    p.s., the main reason I am looking for a Quicken software application replacement is that I believe the Quicken software engineers have lost control of its development, it's just getting buggier and is lacking in some basic Windows application functionality. 


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