Missing Alight Solutions (3 Merged Votes)



  • JeremyT
    JeremyT Member

    Up voting this as well. RTX employs 300000+ people. Former Minter trying to stay up with my 401k. Login solutions posted back in 2020 still allow connection in Mint to Alight Solutions ([user ID]-[company code] + password). A generic API would be great if at all possible. Similar to Mint's API. Not as simple as it sounds I'm sure. Keep us posted.

    Updating things manually for now, but the lack of this integration definitely renders some of Simplifi's investment tools a bit useless.

  • EricH
    EricH Member

    Hi, just looking for the latest status on this topic about Alight syncing. It's definitely a detractor for Simplifi at this time when considering the long term plan/options for transitioning from Mint. Ongoing, it will really be important that Alight benefits (such as 401K accounts for big employers) show up and update in Simplifi. In my case it would be for Accenture and also Dell-related accounts through Alight.

    Thanks for latest status, and the plan to remedy this current Simplifi shortcoming.


  • mortac8
    mortac8 Member

    Completely agree. I'm in the exact same position. Was hoping to replace Mint with Simplifi but I'm not sure because of this.

  • Hi, i just switched to Simplifi as a Mint replacement however with alight not being useable that is a dealbreaker for me. This hasn't been updated since June 2021. What reason is there for this not having progressed in 2 and a half years? I will have to cancel and find another solution unless you have some sort of progress to report on this. Would also like to know why its being held up since Mint could do it. Thank you

  • mortac8
    mortac8 Member

    I see a Raytheon 401k - Alight option but the furthest I've gotten in Simplifi is logged in to that account then prompted for security pin via text. I get the text and when I enter it and hit OK, I just get prompted for the the text code again and again after it spins for about 10seconds.

  • Same issue - deal breaker.

  • Request addition or instructions to connect Alight Solutions / Accenture 401k investment account. Big determinant whether I will migrate fully from Mint.




  • this needs to be added since Mint is going away. This is a huge deal breaker

  • S Anderson
    S Anderson Member
    edited December 2023

    Actually it's hilarious (in a depressing way) that people are mad that they have it connected for Target (and not other businesses) when the Target connection doesn't even work. Based on information from the "connect your account" popup, it looks like they have it pointing to the wrong login URL and it won't connect. I've chatted with support about this and they say the error code (Care: FDP-108) has to do with needing to go through some kind MFA of process, but the Alight login ~doesn't need MFA to authenticate~.

    Their listed login URL is: https://leplb0420.upoint.alight.com/web/target/preauth-home

    When the login page for Target's Alight Pay and Benefits is here: https://leplb0420.upoint.ap.alight.com/web/target/login

    I'm not sure if alight changed their website structure and that's why Simplifi's connector is now non-functional, but it's very frustrating I can say that. As someone who has fled from Mint, I think knowing that it can work and just doesn't here is worse honestly.

  • Simplifi is missing a LOT of connections to large financial institutions. Make sure to check before you fall for them! No trial - have to pay to sign up, only to find many gaps. What a waste of money.

  • can we please the UBS 401k to the request for alight solutions access?

    The URL is: http://digital.alight.com/ubs?_ga=2.23746675.873357993.1704217101-1801632706.1704217101&_gl=1*1rw3kds*_ga*MTgwMTYzMjcwNi4xNzA0MjE3MTAx*_ga_EVQRFR3H5N*MTcwNDMxMzE3My4zLjAuMTcwNDMxMzE3Ny4wLjAuMA..*_gcl_au*MTAzMDM2NzQ0LjE3MDQyMTcxMDA.

  • This is very disappointing. I just signed up but this is a deal breaker. It works for Mint, Empower (and Quixken, I believe) so not sure why they cant get this to work in 3 years. Well, I’m going to look for another tool as this is clearly not a priority.

  • Angel_123
    Angel_123 Member
    edited January 2024

    +1 on request to get access to Accenture 401k through Alight:


  • +1 on access here. It even says that you can connect to Quicken through Alight. Why is it that if Quicken is able to connect, Simplifi is unable to?

    Notably, my company has this for the announcement:

    Your Customer ID and PIN for Quicken and Mint

    Follow the instructions in Quicken and Mint to set up and activate online account services for your savings plan account. Here's the information you'll need:

    • The Financial Institution for your account is Alight Solutions.
    • When you activate online account services through Quicken or Mint, you'll be prompted for a customer ID and PIN:

    This is a massive dealbreaker if they cannot connect an account that has so many people needing this for their retirement - and is already available for Quicken users. It shouldn't be too difficult, especially since they've made it company interchangeable with a customer ID system. I'm very surprised this has not been added since 2020 and is starting to make me think of leaving Simplifi.

  • Wow, this seems to be a long-standing problem with no updates in over a year. I just joined Simplifi and if I can't get my Alight Ameriprise 401K in here, then I'm going to have to cancel my trial, because that's where most of my net worth is at and that's one of the main features of this app, isn't it? I see in in Mint and Credit Karma, so it's not impossible to add. Here is my URL to log in, if that helps. I see Ford and Target, so I know it's possible.


  • VV25
    VV25 Member

    Hello. I am moving from mint. My company 401K is handled with alight as well. Is there any update on this?

  • EricH
    EricH Member

    I'm down to only 3 things I have to go update manually in Simplifi regularly (Alight being one of them, and the most annoying!), so it's getting closer, but still a BIG hassle I didn't need to deal with in Mint.

    And of course I am paying for Simplifi now, vs. Mint was free, so please get Alight sync working. This surely impacts a lot of users given Alight administers employee 401k, HSA, FSA and other benefits and accounts for a large number of huge corporations. It's a glaring gap to plug from that perspective.



  • Adding to the thread here. The Goldman Sachs link doesn't even actually work, and it sounds like Target's does not either. This is a gamebreaker and for many people it seems, please provide an update or an explanation every once in a while, thank you

  • Piling on. Alight support is a critical decision factor for me.

  • S_W
    S_W Member

    I’m honestly shocked that Simplifi hasn’t made this a priority. Having my retirement accounts easily viewable is one of the main things I wanted as a Mint replacement. (Along with Zillow and KBB). Alight does 401k/pension for lots of people. Right now I’m trying a few apps too see what works best for me and this will be part of my decision.

  • bcc
    bcc Member

    Manual tracking this account is really not an acceptable solution for a paid service. I'm migrating from Mint and thought I would try this out , but this is a deal breaker.

  • Can't believe this is a 4 year unsolved mystery. FWIW, I also tried things from the Alight side and they were no help. Like many, I'm a Mint refugee. Mint's collapse seems like a huge opportunity for Simplifi and it looks like they are going to lose a lot of potential new customers who see this as a dealbreaker.

  • please add Caterpillar 401k through Alight Solutions.


  • froge
    froge Member

    Hi, I also need to be able to connect to Alight. You seem to use the Intuit platform to get data and they had no problem with connecting to Alight, other than an odd account extension, so I don't understand why Quicken would be blocked.

  • I'm another one. anybody count how many people want this? big number.

  • froge
    froge Member
    edited February 2024

    Can I get a partial refund from Quicken? I haven't been able to use it because of this Alight issue.

    The crazy thing is you all know about the Mint change, and know Credit Karma is not a budget planner at all, so you must have known we would all be leaving, you could have made a lot of new customers, but the site is outdated, and there are several accounts that won't work on Quicken, and I would have to add manually that worked fine on Mint. Some I could live without but this Alight is a deal breaker. I hear for pay services [removed] seems good, and I will consider the granddaddy of them [removed]. Eventually I will find one that supports my 401K

  • Everything has already been said. Adding a +1 to this. PLEASE 🙏

  • I will likely cancel my Quicken account if I can't get my alight.com account linked to Simplifi.

  • BAGuy
    BAGuy Member
    edited February 2024
  • Recently moved from Mint, in trial phase for Simplifi. Trying to connect to my Caterpillar 401k via Alight Solutions. Not working. Based on comments in this thread this seems to be intentional

    Is this being addressed? It's a deal breaker otherwise. Will have to move to Monarch and pay a little more for a working solution if not resolved