Missing Alight Solutions (3 Merged Votes)



  • Kanda
    Kanda Member ✭✭
    Would love to see alight supported, they provide a bunch of companies' 401Ks, always with urls like xxxx.upoint.alight.com -- don't know if the actual sites are different because I can only see my own employers. 
  • Any updates on the Alight connection?
  • mikeaaron
    mikeaaron Member

    I"m also interested in Alight. Any timeline?

  • jsawin141
    jsawin141 Member
    edited July 2023

    My Abbott Labs 401k is managed by Alight. You've had at least 3 years to provide a connection to Alight. I made it clear with support if this ability doesn't happen, I'll stay on [removed].

  • jsawin141
    jsawin141 Member

    It looks like Goldman Sachs and Target 401k Alight plans are present (search for account with Alight). Lack of a generic Alight connection is a big minus.

  • mike z
    mike z Member

    Same issue. Only two of Alight's corporate plans are available due to unique URLs. The URL I need starts with: leplb0380.upoint.ap.alight.com

  • I'd also like to see Alight Solutions connection implemented, so posting a +1 here. Looks like this request has been open for 3 years…

  • Hi also looking for this for my company.

  • Eblatner
    Eblatner Member

    would like this for united airlines and my HSA. The 401k is taken care of by another bank

  • Margins
    Margins Member

    @Coach Natalie Can you provide an update or status on this? 3 years is a long time for this to be on the list and with the size and ubiquity of Alight this should be considered high priority for Quicken to resolve. I appreciate any info you have :)

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey everyone!

    As soon as any news becomes available for Alight Solutions, we'll be sure to post an update here. In the meantime, we appreciate everyone's feedback and patience!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • bslevin2
    bslevin2 Member
    edited November 2023

    Need this for my trial as well.

  • EricH
    EricH Member

    any update on getting Alight set up for 401K accounts?

  • Also curious about alight solutions comparability, specifically Johnson and Johnson. Seems like it’s a pain across all aggregators, so if Simplifi can support it, that would be a big differentiator.

    It’s also the last account I have that I’ve not been able to connect to Simplifi.

  • Any update on Alight connector, I am looking for a Mint replacement and was hoping simplifi would be it. My company alone has 730,000 employees that use Alight; that's a rather large user base.

  • I am a new Simplifi user, coming over from Mint. Mint was able to connect seamlessly with my Alight 401k. In the short-term I've added manual accounts. However, that obviously is very inefficient and requires constant maintenance for it to remain accurate. I've hoping the integration with Alight is available in the near future.

  • Same as other commenters here. Coming from Mint where adding an Alight-based 401k was simple, it's a bummer that it's not possible in Simplifi. And pretty disheartening to see that it's been 3+ years since it was first discussed.

  • astein4
    astein4 Member

    Another Alight user here. Anxiously awaiting connectivity! Thanks!

  • sparkman2011
    sparkman2011 Member
    edited December 2023

    Another Alight user as well. Really want to use Simplifi as a solution to replace Mint. Could you please expedite implementing this? These are the directions from the Alight solutions website.

  • Another frustrated ex-Mint user, who is just trying to connect to my Alight 401K account. There is only Goldman Sachs and Target available currently.

  • Fabiann
    Fabiann Member
    edited December 2023

    Just adding my voice to the group that there is demand for this, moved from mint, my company uses alight for my 401k and having that support is important to me.

    My company url is https://leplb0200.upoint.ap.alight.com

  • GBB
    GBB Member
    edited December 2023

    [removed - inaccurate]. I don't understand why it is so hard to reapply the solution from Mint to Simplifi.

  • Count me another frustrated ex-Minter who will be cancelling my subscription if I can’t connect to Alight.

  • ds824
    ds824 Member
    edited December 2023


    Cannot connect to Ford's 401k, Empower allows you to connect

  • NoDough
    NoDough Member

    bump! I’m mid-process switching from Mint, and want to see my full portfolio - a big chunk of that lies in Alight Solutions 401K. Please share an update with us!

  • Unsure why you folks can't add this as you've added it for specific companies, (leplb0420.upoint.ap.alight.com/web/target/preauth-home and leplb0960.upoint.ap.alight.com/web/goldmansachs/login)

    Clearly it's not a matter of alight not giving quicken access to their API. See above as your company already has access to company specific alight URLs. Please use the API protocols as provided by Alight in the following format that is used by Mint:

    Alight user ID your 5-digit company code. It’ll look like username-12345

  • Kham
    Kham Member

    @Coach Natalie is there any update looks like over a year since the last update. I was going to transition to simplifi as mint is closing down but as you can probably assume this is pretty critical.

    Alight Solutions seems to have figured this out with using the generic website with a pin added to the username when submitting the login. https://www.alight.com/

    I think this might be the clearer request as it is a non company specific solution that works already.

    This option doesn't seem to work in simplifi but does in quicken. can the generic website be added more quickly?

  • Please implement the same generic Alight connector that Mint uses. Thanks!

  • Please add https://leplb0120.upoint.ap.alight.com or https://www.yourtotalrewards.com/rtx support for Raytheon 401K support