Missing Alight Solutions (3 Merged Votes)



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited February 2024

    Hello everyone,

    Sadly, we don't have any further news to provide on this request. We are aware of the high demand for Alight Solutions and the many 401k plans they cover, and although I'm not sure where we're at with adding support, I do know that there are multiple entities involved in adding bank connections to Quicken Simplifi, so it may take some time before we learn anything. We also cannot guarantee that we'll be able to add support for a requested financial institution. With that, as soon as I learn any news on this, I will let you all know right away.

    I'd also suggest contacting your financial institution directly to help make them aware of the need for this connection. You can share this link with them: https://www.intuit.com/partners/fdp/implementation-support/ofx/

    Sorry for not having a better answer for you all, but I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @hgg, unfortunately, I don't have the answers to those questions. As soon as I learn any news at all on this request, I will post back with an update.

    We apologize for the frustration and appreciate everyone's patience.

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • The connection works with Mint - it seems incredulous it doesn't work with Simplifi. This is definitely a downgrade, and one I cannot stomach for too much longer.

  • Drew
    Drew Member ✭✭

    This is my 2 cents. This is an Alight issue. All current 3rd Party connectivity to our 401K accounts preceded the existence of Alight Solutions and its eventual takeover of the management of our 401K accounts. As anyone with an Alight Solutions managed 401K account should be able to attest, above and beyond Alight making passive management fees off our holdings, they want to provide active account management service for additional fees. Thus, they want us to log into our Alight Solutions accounts versus using a 3rd Party interface. So, don't expect any new 3rd Party money management service, such as Simplifi, to gain access to your Alight Solutions account.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    To all users requesting this - have you tried contacting Alight directly as Coach Jon requested? Sometimes, pushing the institution can help with establishing a connection. I understand your frustration, especially when Mint, an option that was free, was able to connect while the paid app cannot connect.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • I was able to log in to Alight (pwc's version) in Mint but cannot in Simplifi… ( https://member.alight.com/  )

  • froge
    froge Member

    Maybe it would help if I left the website since the alight accounts are company specific. Please add for Collins, Ratheon and Pratt


  • who can we contact at Alight? This is very frustrating to be unable to connect to one of the largest 401(k) administrators

  • WigLi
    WigLi Member

    ditto all the comments that this is necessary…

  • rjake
    rjake Member

    I contacted Alight and they directed me to a page that shows how online tools such as Quicken and Credit Karma are the only tools that can connect. However, they must be referring to Quicken Classic, which I am thinking of trying but I don't like that it doesn't offer a mobile user interface. And Credit Karma is a no go for me - many problems with that mint substitute. Like others have said, Simplifi seems to know how to do this (Target and Goldman Sachs) if only we could get priority with the developers to work on this. Seems a copy paste and change to a URL specific to each employer is all that is necessary. But not counting on Simplifi getting to this anytime soon based on the comments. I most likely will switch to Quicken Classic and be tied to only using my desktop computer - that seems to be the only solution. Mint was definitely better.

  • dbmack
    dbmack Unconfirmed, Member

    Adding to this request - I moved from Mint who had successfully developed a connection with Alight Solutions for me to link my company 401(k). Quicken Simplifi apparently doesn't do this, however, I do see both Goldman Sachs and Target retirement plans through Alight Solutions are options in Quicken Simplifi so it appears Alight is not causing this to be difficult.

  • Adding my voice here. So now I can't connect my mortgage or my 401(K) and both were requested by the community years ago. . What is this app for again? . I guess managing my credit cards?. . It certainly isn't going to work to manage my net worth.

  • Ajhunt
    Ajhunt Member

    Why does it need to be requested when it was already working in Mint? Also, our employers tell us it is available and then you tell us to contact them???????????????

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    The institution decides which third party apps are allowed to connect to their services

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • ljcabc
    ljcabc Member
    edited April 2024

    Thought I was going crazy so I'm not the only person sharing the same sentiment.

    I have had been trying to connect to PwC alight portal since December and no luck. Never had this issue with Mint. This whole time I saw Goldman Sachs & Target alight portals available there. I requested this to be added several time and now seeing this thread I am coming to an understanding that this might never happen.

    Funny right before checking out the community threads, I reached out to Simplifi chat coach. Frustrated and I expressed that I might just switch over to [removed] and the CR was like sure. Don't think Simplifi appreciate our business…

  • rjake
    rjake Member

    Tried Quicken Classic and although it can read Alight 401k, it can’t read HSA investment balances at Optum Financial. So goodbye Quicken - Classic & Simplifi. At least free Credit Karma still connects. I just have to annoyingly click through multiple pages and ads to get to what I need to see. I would have gladly paid for a service that worked like Mint did.

  • Please add UBS 401k

  • pat_carr
    pat_carr Member

    My employer is switching from Transamerica to Alight in August. Transamerica didn't play well with Mint/Simplifi so it would be very nice to have visibility into my 401(k) using the Simplifi app. Has there been any progress? I will also reach out to Alight when our accounts are set up.

  • Just adding my voice to the mix, would greatly appreciate getting this added, especially since Classic Quicken can do it. Very frustrating to not be able to see this especially since it's been requested for so long

  • Seeking Procter & Gamble Alight account support - https://leplb0290.upoint.ap.alight.com/ah-angular-afirst-web/#/web/pg/login

  • Rick P
    Rick P Member

    There are many company specific options when searching for Alight, but MetLife is not one of them. Please add either MetLife's specific URL and allow me to connect or add the generic Alight Solutions login. Each company has a code that can be appended to the end of the user's ID to direct to that specific company so you don't need an individual connection for every company that uses Alight.

    The MetLife URL is


  • Rick P
    Rick P Member

    Well I see after submitting my post that this has been an issue for years. I have 29 days left in my trial period so I'll likely be cancelling and getting a refund if I cannot track my Retirement savings here.

  • I've been intermittently searching "Alight" for months and was pleased to see a number of company options have recently (?) appeared. Does this mean there's hope? If so - can I please request my organization's plan: https://digital.alight.com/mckinsey

  • pat_carr
    pat_carr Member

    Echo this. That's quite a lengthy list of new employers. I'm not sure if they was one massive release and the rest of us have to wait or if they will trickle in, but… I'd appreciate it if Quicken can add http://digital.alight.com/marshmclennan. There are approximately 35,000 US colleagues.

  • vbn8vn8
    vbn8vn8 Member

    @Coach Natalie , @Coach Jon , et al - I don't know if this will work for anyone else, but I was finally able to connect my Caterpillar Inc 401k managed by Alight Financial by doing the following: GO TO PLAID.COM FIRST… Sign up for a Plaid Portal account, if you don't already have one. Add your Alight 401k directly into Plaid Portal. THEN come back to Simplifi and add your account through Simplifi's "+". when prompted, login in to your Plaid account with your mobile number and validate with the 6-digit code they text you. Once I did this, I was able to select my Alight 401k from the known Plaid accounts.

    Best of luck!!! 🤞


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