How to remove investment income from my Spending Plan?

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Chiming in here as well. I currently have retirement contributions showing up in my spending plan as income, I don't intend to use retirement as income for the month and its not clear how to fix this.
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Hello @zhaoz,
Thanks for posting to the Community!
If you're referring to Investment Transactions showing in the Spending Plan, there are currently three ways to resolve this:
- Ignore the account from Reports under Settings > Accounts, which will also ignore it from the Spending Plan —
- Edit each individual Investment Transaction to be ignored from the Spending Plan —
- Edit the Investment Transactions to the correct investing type so they are no longer a "cash flow" type —
We have quite a few other discussions on this topic (such as here, here, and here), so I wanted to make sure your inquiry was addressed as well, which is why I split it into a new discussion. With that said, in the very near future, Investment Transactions will all be ignored from the Spending Plan by default, which should resolve this matter for everyone. You can follow along here for updates:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
I understand that a change is coming that will eliminate investment transactions from spending reports by default. Great In the meantime my investment transactions are automatically set to UNCATEGORIZED. I am using the global Edit to chnage that to BALANCE ADJUSTMENT and that is excluding them.