Virginia 529 repeatedly needing authentication

ClaireD Member ✭✭

Hi, mint refugee here. I got all my accounts connected and things are going ok, except that my Virginia 529 accounts are constantly asking for authentication. Is there any way to make it stick for more than a few hours?


Best Answer


  • truckmann

    I have the same issue with a couple accounts. I really don't need those accounts to update every time I open the app so I just close the pop-ups without authenticating. I see from the links above that this has been an issue for at least a couple of years and nothing has yet been done to address it. I don't see why it would be so hard to have the option to mark accounts as manual update accounts or set a weekly or monthly schedule for them. I guess we'll just have to live with the annoyance until they come up with a solution some year.

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