American Express - Banking "Care code: api.database.accountkey.notfound" (edited)
According to to the below post, the issues with American Express Bank accounts was resolved today via using the American Express - Banking financial provider (instead of using the American Express option)
However, I am finding that this does not work. I set up a new Account under American Express - Banking and authenticated successfully (using my OTP which my account requires). It presented to me a list of accounts, which oddly contained all of my credit cards as well as my bank account with them.
I manually deselected the credit cards, and allowed the single bank account to import.
But right after doing so, Simplifi gives me this error in the Account Settings page:
I have tried clicking Reconnect Account (which asks me to re-authenticate with my user/password and OTP) and it just presents that same error again.
I have also tried the Reset Connection option, and it does the same and presents the same error with the care code: api.database.accountkey.notfound.
Any guidance on this would be appreciated. Is anyone else experiencing this either?
Thank you.
I'm having a similar issue. My account is able to connect, but it is not showing my accounts. I get a message that says, "All accounts are already added."
I was able to connect by using the email authentication instead of the text.
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@perrynmyers & @ebig123321, thanks for reaching out to the Community regarding this issue!
@perrynmyers, since you're receiving the "Care code: api.database.accountkey.notfound" message, you'll want to follow our Alert for updates. This issue is impacting multiple banks that have MFA enabled and is something we're currently investigating.
@ebig123321, since it sounds like you're experiencing something different, you'll want to go ahead and create a separate post to outline the separate issue you're seeing.
I hope this helps get you both pointed in the right direction!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Thanks @Coach Natalie, I've bookmarked the new issue you pointed to. I think that one came in just after I posted this one. Thanks for the pointer :)
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@Coach Natalie The issue reported above with the API error is resolved, but now I am seeing frequent disconnects causing me to have to reconnect to American Express Banking constantly. I am forced to do "Reset Connection" constantly to reestablish a connection.
The errors I get are:
This financial institution needs your attention (Care code: 324)
We have lost connectivity to your account. To restore connectivity, you must reconnect with your FI.And every time I Reset Connection I have to resupply my username/password and redo the 2FA.
What I am wondering is why we are not able to use the normal American Express FSI instead of needing to use the American Express - Banking FSI. When I log into the American Express FSI it explicitly asks me (on the Amex side) if I want to export my bank account along with my credit cards. So it seems like AMEX is allowing that mode of login to expose the bank account details in addition to the credit cards. So, given that, why is the American Express - Banking FSI not using the same login path as the American Express FSI?
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@perrynmyers, thanks for the follow-up!
To answer your question, only American Express credit card accounts are on the OAuth API connection; other account types are not yet supported on OAuth. Our support article here outlines which bank options need to be used for each account type with American Express:
Until American Express chooses to migrate other account types to the OAuth connection, you may continue to experience the need to reconnect your accounts, as well as perform MFA. American Express blocks or limits aggregation during peak hours and your account may also go into an error state if MFA is not able to be completed during nightly aggregation.
Sorry for not having better news, but I hope this helps clear things up! Fingers crossed that American Express migrates other account types soon!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie: I was seeing the Savings account as available via OAUTH and the "American Express" FSI in July and early August. When I go back in now, I no longer see it. So it appears that it was available via OAUTH at some point and has since been removed. Do you know why it was available via OAUTH and was later removed?
For now, the 2FA connection for the "American Express - Banking" FSI appears to be stable, so hopefully that continues to work normally.
Thanks, as always 😊
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@perrynmyers, only Credit Card Accounts with American Express are available to connect to via OAuth; this is an American Express limitation, as they have not yet migrated other account types to the API.
This information is also listed in our support article here:
Glad to hear the "American Express - Banking" option is stable for you!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie I get what you're saying. What I am trying to convey is that in July, I was seeing the savings account as an available option via the OAUTH connection. So while you say it isn't supported, I can tell you for certain that it was listed there at least briefly by AMEX. Maybe it was in error on their side, but it was there. It's just an observation that I'm trying to share.
In terms of the American Express - Banking stability. It's not really stable… It fails every night (and with every manual refresh) due to the 2FA requirements. So, every refresh requires manual intervention now which is not great.
As a workaround, it would be helpful if there was a way of setting a particular FSI to "Don't update automatically or via a global refresh".
This would prevent constant errors when the 2FA times out in the background overnight or during the day during automated refreshes. Is this a feature that could be implemented to make the user experience better for these accounts where 2FA requires manual intervention with every connection?
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@perrynmyers, thanks for the reply!
I think your best bet at this point is to vote for and follow these existing topics:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Thanks @Coach Natalie, I weighed in and voted for all of those tickets. Any one of them would work to solve this problem. Cheers 😊