Ability to import net worth data from other personal finance apps, such as Mint (edited)

if say a user is coming from another personal finance app, there is high chance there is a history of networth collected over time. Importing that input here would be useful
I meant net worth data by month, year, by asset, debt
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Merged: Hi Folks. I’m one of many considering Simplifi since Mint is going away. One thing that I believe is missing today is the ability to import net worth history. Some of your competitors provide this, but have other shortcomings that has me leaning towards Simplifi if it has this functionality. Is this in the development pipeline?
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Not being able to import my net worth is a huge disappointment. It is one of two features which are making me hesitant to use Simplifi. I would really like to see statistics like "your net worth has increased $___ for the past month/3 months/year/etc." However, I will be unable to calculate It would be great if this feature could be added. I would be happy even if the solution was to make a fake "net worth history" asset.
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I agree with all the comments. Somebody coming to Simplifi with a financial history. This is what makes us comforts with a new platform.
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It would be nice to have an option to input Date and Number for the net worth dashboards. Helpful for those of us moving over from other platforms. I have net worth data for about 5 years that I would just like to have the numbers inputted for.
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My history is 15. I am forced to stick to credit karma because of this even if I don’t want to.
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The Net Worth data does not get updated by uploading transaction data. It is only available since the month/year that you signed up to Simplifi. I, and many others, have a decade plus of net worth data that we'd like to see. Please update the net worth graph to work since the start of the data sets imported. (also not only from 2018 as Support advised is your current capability even if a long term user)
MM built a chrome extension to export balance histories from Mint that can be used if you can't leverage the existing imported data.
Giving the option to show this graph on the dashboard would also be helpful.
This is a pretty big gap…..product defect really.
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I have to agree with this as a former mint user. Even if I could go in and manually add NW values on a monthly or year basic would be great.
Will definitely look to see how other competitors handle this.3 -
Please quickly allow an import of Net Worth history from Mint before we no longer have the option. Best and Easiest change to gain more users and again Intuit owns both so I don't see why this is a problem Simplifi Team.
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Intuit has not owned Quicken since 2016.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I agree with this feature too. I am tracking my net worth on an Excel sheet as I did not track everything in Mint.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I found out about that yesterday. I guess I should have kept up with the news more.
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This is my top request, just bumping this back to the top. It seems like it should be a simple request, just let me enter past numbers and dates. I too have them for every month going back 15 years from Mint, so importing a CSV would be preferable, but it would only take 10 minutes if I had to type them in manually.
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exactly I agree
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Please vote this feature up if it is important for you.
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Yes, I do not want to import by account for this purpose. I have closed accounts over the past 9 years. Give the users options to import by asset, debt, or account ideally.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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yup .
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The clock is ticking on the Mint.com available data. Please vote it up and hopefully Simplifi is working on this or considering this a huge win. I know [removed] quickly implemented it after people complained on Reddit so maybe the Simplifi programmers will understand that is VERY important for those that don't want to lose their historical monthly net worth data.
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In the meantime, the Monarch mint browser extension exports Mint balance history daily to CSV by account to a zip file.
Also, the history can be exported from the trends area in Mint, and it comes down monthly.
In Mint:
Under Trends > Net Worth, Set the filters to a single account (or filter by asset and debt accounts) and export the history to CSV.
Mint will shut down in mid March 2024.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I am on a trial with Monarch and did use their browser extension which was pretty slick. Not aware of Mint allowing access until March of 2024. I guess that gives Simplifi a little more time to try to incorporate a net worth import option hopefully if they are listening.
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Coming from Mint, this is a critical feature! I will leave Simplifi if this feature is not developed.
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We need more people to vote and really hope developers from Simplifi are listening to these time sensitive requests.
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HI @Coach Natalie, Is there any way we can get periodic update around such asks? even if the answer is not being considered now or is being considered?
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@Hari Palat Great Question! At least shine a little light for us all who are completely in the dark asking ourselves: "Do we stay with Simplifi or pay/join on of the other financial tracking websites?" @Coach Natalie are you able to please help us?
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Maybe it's the holidays but hopefully we hear back
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Hey everyone, as soon as any news becomes available for Feature Requests, we will update the status accordingly:
Once an Idea post is marked as "In Review", it means that it's being reviewed by our product team, either because it was submitted to them from the Idea post, or because they informed us that the feature is being looked at. If something is "Planned", it means that it's coming but has not yet been assigned to development, and "In Progress" means the feature is actively being worked on.
Our full list of Feature Requests can be found here:
There is no further info to provide on this request at this time.
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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That's EXACTLY what we needed for clarity. Thank you so much Natalie!!!
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Hi, just like the others, I'm trying simplifi now that Mint is closing. I want this feature as well, and not having it, might make me consider sticking other options.
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Honestly it's confusing why this isn't a feature. It doesn't seem like it would be hard to back into it from current balances and historical transactions. Even if it were not exactly precise it would be better than a big blank history on the net worth graph.
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Adding my voice! The ability to import my net worth history may be the difference between my becoming a lifelong Simplifi user and going elsewhere.