Split transactions should be treated as separate transactions (2 Merged Votes)



  • Rstar
    Rstar Member
    edited January 11

    Hello Simplifi Dev Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. As a dedicated user who has recently made the switch from Mint.com, I am thrilled with the overall experience Simplifi provides. The import of my transaction history from Mint played a pivotal role in my decision to move to Simplifi, and I'm excited about the potential Simplifi holds.

    However, there's a critical feature that I urgently believe needs attention - the SPLIT TRANSACTION functionality. As an avid user of this feature on Mint.com, I was delighted to find it supported in Simplifi. Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, I've discovered that the current state of the split feature falls short of its potential.

    The primary issue lies in the limited options provided during a split transaction. Specifically, I miss the ability to:

    Add Separate Payee: Often, when making a retail purchase with numerous items in the same transaction (e.g., a Costco shopping spree), I like to split out items for better tracking. However, in Simplifi, I cannot assign separate payees to these split portions, which is crucial for accurate record-keeping.

    Include Notes: Another valuable aspect of split transactions for me is the ability to attach notes to each split, providing additional context or details. Unfortunately, Simplifi's current state doesn't allow me to include specific notes for each split, making it challenging to remember the details later.

    Track Refunds: In situations where I might need to return specific items from a larger transaction, having the ability to track refunds for individual splits would be immensely helpful. As of now, this option is missing from the split feature.

    I believe these enhancements would significantly improve the utility of the split transaction feature in Simplifi. I understand that development timelines and priorities can be challenging, but I wanted to bring this to your attention as it directly impacts my day-to-day use of the app.

    I'm confident that implementing these improvements would not only benefit me but many others who rely on detailed financial tracking, especially during complex transactions.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the continued evolution of Simplifi.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 11

    This request is already on the list. It has over 100 votes.

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    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • Rstar
    Rstar Member

    Is there a way to know when can we expect this feature to appear on the Simplifi platform?

    Thank you!

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

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  • GerriC
    GerriC Member

    Seeing "split" as the category description for a transaction give no useful information until you click on the transaction. Also in Planned spending the full value of the split transaction is shown even though the appropriate amount is added to the total. This is confusing.

  • Olyduck
    Olyduck Member
    edited January 21

    Make it so I don't have to open the split transaction to see the actual split. I'm just coming over from MINT, where the splits were listed in their respective categories, making it easier to see them in the detail list (instead of just seeing "split") in a spending or income report.

    [Merged Post]

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 22

    Hi - This feature request already exists. Please vote/comment on it as it has votes already.

    Also, per a Reddit post in the Simplifi Money sub, a redesign of split transactions is coming up in 2024.


    [Merged Post]

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • I loved this feature on Mint where you could split a transaction both by category and/or date. I used it (amongst other ways) to split my quarterly taxes so it would show up in individual months instead of in one huge bulk. Please add this feature!

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 29

    To have multiple dates on a split transaction, they need to be separate. Comment and vote for the request below. Having more votes increases the chances for consideration by the product team.

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    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • ValueOfJoy
    ValueOfJoy Member
    edited February 6

    I'm coming from Mint and the ability to split transactions fully is a dealbreaker for me. Most of the issues I've had on SimplifI have been because transactions aren't separate once they've been split - reimbursements for part of a transaction, being able to see how much I'm spending in different grocery categories, being able to write separate notes about transactions… Which is especially frustrating because so far in every other way Simplifi has been everything Mint and other apps aren't.

  • JMar
    JMar Member
    edited February 7

    Please fix this feature. When I choose to split a charge in my account I want it to be treated as 2 separate transactions like in Mint.

    Ex. I have roommates and pay the total rent with them paying me back. I want to split that rent charge into my portion and categorize as rent. Then I want the remainder to be completely separate so that I can categorize it and remove from spending plans and reports. Right now I can split and categorize but it shows the full amount of the check in my transactions and spending plan.

    Also, if Simplifi could implement a system for one person paying the bill and then getting Venmo’s for others portions that would make this the top budgeting app.

    Honorable mention - eliminate pending charges and posted charges duplication. Just have as pending until the bank notifies as posted 🤷‍♂️

  • fcastillo
    fcastillo Member

    @JMar a suggestion for Venmo. You can connect your Venmo account. This is helpful for showing all transactions and having more granularity. That way you can categorized individual Venmo transactions, and the transfer between Venmo and your bank can be categorized as just a transfer.

    So, even if you have a big rent payment, your income Venmo transaction will also be under rent and your budget will show only what you actually paid and not the total.

    Split transactions are still needed, but the above is a workaround specific to Venmo, and probably PayPal (but haven't tried it)

  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 16

    Splitting as actual transactions would that allow to Exclude from Spending Plan is also needed. eg I have a Gifts Saving Goal. I split a transaction, then later want to exclude Gifts as its part of my Saving Goal, I can't do this unless its allows me to "exclude" it. At the moment, "exclude" excludes the entire transaction and not the individual split.

  • Can a split transaction be shown as individual different transactions? Right now, you have to click on it to see what it was split between which can be a pain. Maybe show the splits as subheadings beneath the actual transaction?

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Regarding "show the splits as subheadings beneath the actual transaction" @tessa check the request below out.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    I initially wanted a separate split transaction like Mint had but now I agree with the above. Split transactions should roll up to the transaction from the bank.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭

    @FinTechMan I thought Mint did keep the splits together? When you click the Mint transaction, you see all the splits. I recall that in the main transaction list view, you would see two or however many splits as separate line items. To me, this would be more convenient than having to actually click the transaction to see the split. Having the Split icon would be helpful in that list view to indicate as such. I agree that each split should have the transaction attributes, but can you explain what "roll back up" is?

  • My take:
    Mint separated them but showed a symbol for each transactions indicating it had been split. I think that’s the best PLUS a list inside the transaction that states the other transaction(s) it was initially split from. That way, if the transactions aren’t next to each other so it’s not obvious, one can still find the initial transaction (if a user chooses to modify the dates, make other edits, etc.).

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    From the post above, Mint considered the transactions as separate and had a split icon. If I wanted to look for a split transaction matching a bank total, I will need to find all transactions for the date in question and add up the amounts.

    Also, in Mint's CSV export, each part of a split will come down as a separate transaction with no indicator of the transaction being part of the split. The split icon only showed up in the Mint UI website and mobile app.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • gmb
    gmb Member

    I just want to chime in to voice my support! My therapist charges me once every few months and it creates really lumpy looking trends!

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    For those of you wanting a split transaction to be separate because you want to change the dates: Read comment below from @Coach Marcus made on another discussion.

    Bottom line: a split is part of a transaction occurs on a single date in Simplifi's concept. Instead, the Simplifi team is exploring alternatives outside the split feature to accommodate breaking up a large bill charged every so often into smaller pieces.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • DavidB
    DavidB Member ✭✭✭

    Agreed. Added my vote.

  • Jds
    Jds Member ✭✭
    edited February 29

    I would like the flexibility to split a single transaction between to months within the “Split Transaction” feature. For example, I pay my housekeeper and babysitter for the week on Fridays. When the week ends in a different month than it started, the payment covers some days in one month and some days in the month following. For example, February 2024 ends on Thursday, February 29, and Friday is March 1, 2024. So my payment to both, my housekeeper and babysitter, covers 4 days in February (Mon-Thurs) and 1 day in March (Fri). Currently, I have to choose to allocate the entire payment to a single month, either February or March. The ability to split the payment between two months would provide a more accurate picture of my spending. Almost every month ends mid-week, so this is a recurring issue for me. The issue is greater when the month ends on a Tuesday or Wednesday because a larger portion of the payment is allocated to the wrong month. Thanks for your consideration.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    How do you have these expenses set up in your Spending Plan? For example, as recurring with a weekly recurrence or do you track them as categories in Planned Spending?

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 29

    How is this request different than treating splits as separate transactions, below? Also, wouldn't paying the baby sitter in the manner described work better as a recurring bill? I would rather have the cash available on the day I am paying than tracking which days of service I am paying/incurring the expense. But flexibility is needed for those who want it.

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    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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  • Jds
    Jds Member ✭✭
  • Jds
    Jds Member ✭✭

    it’s not different if treating splits as separate transactions allows you to enter a different date for each split. But currently, you can’t put a different date to each split.

    The reason I don’t set up a weekly recurring bill for these is because I pay them manually and don’t always do it on Fridays; sometimes I’ll send payment the following week on, say, Monday for example. But it doesn’t really matter if the entire week of the incurred expense is within the same month, because even if the payment is sent the next month, I can always manually backdate the expense for it to be included in the month that the expenses were incurred. Where it becomes an issue is when the payment covers expenses incurred on days within two separate months.

    Having the cash available on the day you are paying vs. tracking which days of service you are paying/incurring the expense is essentially cash basis vs. accrual basis. Some would rather track on a cash and others would rather track on an accrual basis. I do a mix of both. It’s a lot easier for me to plan out my spending for a given month with the knowledge of what I will incur. It also allows my spending to be more consistent. For example, when I pay my housekeeper and babysitter on Friday, Mar. 1, the entire expense will be in March so March will end with 5 full weeks of such expenses, reflecting much higher than actual spending those areas.

    Hope this makes sense.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 29

    Sounds like if the treating splits as separate transactions request is fulfilled, it will meet your need.

    Yes, you are applying a combination of accrual and cash accounting for your personal finances. Makes sense to me.

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    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

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