Ability to mark Recurring Reminders as "Scheduled"/"Paid" [edited] (19 Merged Votes)



  • dsdxp
    dsdxp Member ✭✭
    In the list of Upcoming transactions (bills/subscriptions), it would be nice if there were an option added to the 3 dot menu that said "Mark as paid".  Here is why that would be helpful:

    Lets say you have a credit card bill due soon.  Lets say it's due on 1/20/22.  You are reviewing the list of upcoming bills on 1/10/22, and decide you are going to go to the credit card website and make the payment (either paying it today or scheduling it to be paid on the due date).  You would then want to come back to Simplifi and make it known that the bill was either paid, or scheduled to be paid.  Otherwise, each time you check Simplifi, you may not remember if you took action on that bill, and you'd end up wasting time checking at the credit card site.  When you mark it as "Paid", it could prompt you to input the date you paid it, and then stamp it into the register (even if it is a future date).  The balance would then reflect the payment. This is very similar to how it works in Quicken, which is what I switched from.

    The only option I'm left with right now, is deleting the reminder (not the series) after I make the payment at the credit card website.  The only problem with that, is that I do not get any info about how this particular bill affects my balance, until the actual payment is posted and is downloaded into Simplifi.
  • tazelahy
    tazelahy Member ✭✭
    @Coach Natalie  I just stumbled onto this thread and find it hard to believe that this request is 2 years old for really a simple option to be added to the software. I used quicken for over 10 years and decided to give this app a shot and I'm very disappointed with the way things work with the upcoming bills. Simple additions that should be available are "Automatic Debit/Payment" settings so the transaction automatically gets entered that day it is marked for payment and also the ability to mark a bill paid early and have it moved to pending in your transactions list.  Also, when marking as paid, you should be able to edit the value.  An example is saying you pay/transfer 500 to a student loan but decided that for that one payment you wanted to pay 1000, it can easily be entered and set to pending in the register.

    Can you or another associate please let me/this thread know the progress of this feature implementation.  I do like the app but I may need to go back to Quicken until some basic feature updating is completed.

    Thank you.
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @tazelahy,

    Thanks for reaching out and for your feedback!

    Sadly, there's no update to provide on this request as of yet. It looks like it's still being considered by our Product Team -- we will be sure to update this post as soon as we receive any news. :blush:

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • I came to the community just to look for this issue and how to mark something as already paid. It’s such a simple NECESSARY thing… how is it not available!? Very frustrating to keep seeing bills as upcoming, when they were paid already. This affects how your future balances look, and it makes it impossible to see what your month looks like going forward, if you ever pay a bill early.  Very unhappy about this. This is the 3rd thing that has made me want to leave this app. You would think loosing clients is more of a motivator.
  • dagnabit2000
    dagnabit2000 Member ✭✭✭
    Is there any update on this feature? Like the last comment mentioned it really is a simple request to add a slider bar or checkbox or something to indicate the bill has been scheduled.  I often have to schedule stuff a few weeks out because I travel and I have to visit several billers website to verify a bill is scheduled instead of just looking quickly at the Simplifi app for all billers.

    Keep in mind if I just delete the upcoming reminder it will not be in the cashflow graph.  If I enter a future dated transaction I will have a duplicate transaction when the real transaction hits my statement.  There does not seem to be a viable work around that I am aware of.  If there is, please add it to this growing thread.  Thank you!
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited February 2022
    Hello @dagnabit2000,

    Thank you for sharing your feedback!

    Sadly, there's no update to provide on this request as of yet. It sounds like this ability would be helpful for a lot of Users, and luckily our Product Team is currently looking into options for implementing this. In the meantime, I hope that some other Users come along with a suggested workaround on how they handle this type of situation in Simplifi, as I'm not coming up with anything myself, unfortunately.

    Sorry I don't have better news or suggestions at this time!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • Yes, please add this feature! It's a critical feature to keeping track of what bills I've already paid and which I still have to take care of. This is VERY different from what has cleared/matched. 
  • PolyNomad
    PolyNomad Member ✭✭
    Bumping this tread. This is a needed feature to help users understand which bills are already scheduled to be paid.
  • Nelob
    Nelob Member
    I just tried Simplifi and stopped using it for this very reason.  I don't want to wait for a bill to clear to know I paid it.  I pay bills in advance and want to enter it into the register to know it has been paid and the amount has been deducted form my available balance (Just like Quicken does).  I am now trying CountAbout and it does this exact thing so I know it can be done.  I like the interface and some of the other features of Simplifi and was hoping this would be corrected.  However, seeing this thread goes way back, it does not look promising.
  • dagnabit2000
    dagnabit2000 Member ✭✭✭
    Bump!  I have to keep a separate list on a piece of paper saying that I scheduled a payment. Anyone have a better workaround for this?

  • astef
    astef Member
    I want to like this app but you need to be able to see what you paid at a future date.  versus auto draft etc.   Please add!
  • I set up Simplifi yesterday, looking to finally get away from MS Money.  When I hit this limitation I had second thoughts.  It seems like a simple feature, marking a bill as paid as soon as you pay it, rather than having it sitting around as "upcoming" until the transaction is matched.  This lack of a simple feature is probably going to be the fatal flaw in the software for me.  I'm now looking for a different Money replacement.
  • I agree, this is a basic feature that is a must have for ease of use. I use this product in a unique way in that I don't link my bank account, just my credit cards. I manually input all transactions for my bank account to keep track of all pending transactions for myself and my partner more easily and have a constant and accurate balance for easy viewing on multiple devices for the two of us. It keeps us always in the loop on the available balance of our account this way. Sadly, making payments ahead of time on bills is a struggle with Simplifi. If you post date the payment to match the bill date (or in the case of those that sync their accounts, wait for it to show up and sync to Simplifi), it will not reflect in the balance until that date. However, if you make a manual transaction for the date you make the payment, not the date of the bill, it cannot easily be synced to the bill reminder. Having the option to make the transaction date be the date you actually make the payment and then mark that related instance of the bill reminder as paid (even in a future month, such as a payment made Jan 25th for a bill due Feb. 5th) would be a really basic and easy feature. This would bring a whole lot of quality of life improvement for a lot of users. Here's hoping this basic feature is added soon.
  • dagnabit2000
    dagnabit2000 Member ✭✭✭

    Accidently scheduled my mortgage payment twice this month and overdrafted my Checking account. Thanks Simplifi. Having a way to mark a reoccuring payment as schedulid is fundinmental to managing finances. Is thee a technical challenge that I am missing here? All I need is a check mark or some other indicator the payment was scheduled. Anyone find a clever but annoying work around to this?????

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    While it's not perfect, what I do is 'delete reminder' on the upcoming reminder if i pay something early… This makes the following occurrence the next occurrence…

    Rob Wilkens

  • dagnabit2000
    dagnabit2000 Member ✭✭✭

    Rob the issue with that is the expense does not show up in the cash flow. The choice is between double paying a bill or overdraft. Notta good choice.

  • PhilS
    PhilS Member ✭✭

    I'd like to add my vote to add this feature. It would be extremely helpful to be able to mark an upcoming reoccuring transaction instance as "Scheduled", For examploe, so that I know that I've gone ahead and scheduled the payment on the credit card website for that upcoming credit card payment. Thanks.

  • PhilS
    PhilS Member ✭✭

    I forgot to add, one possilbe way to incorperate marking a future reoccuring transaction instance to know that it's been "Scheduled" might be to add that choice the Status field. So, you would have the selection of "Pending", "Cleared" and "Scheduled".

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Well, The actual transaction will show up in the cash flow if you've entered it (i.e. not just scheduled it at the bank, but entered in in simplifi as a transaction). What I do is manually enter a transaction (now or in the future) and delete the scheduled reminder. Again, this does affect the cash flow specifically. You can mark that transaction then, as a one time bill.

    This is what I do, I can't promise it handles everything.

    Rob Wilkens

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    I downvoted this because I absolutely do not want to see something marked as paid when it is not, in fact, paid. I can't count the number of times I've sent a payment to a company and put it out of my mind, only to find out 45 days later they never got it for some reason and are going to penalize me if I don't get on the stick.

    In fact, I have one of those situations right now, where my HSA provider was to send a co-pay check to my doctor. That was on the 6th, and it's still pending - exactly the status I want it to be in. Pending means I've done my end, but for some reason the transaction has not completed, and it cannot be "paid" until both sides have completed their part of the transaction.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Flopbot
    Flopbot Superuser, Beta Tester ✭✭✭✭✭


    I really like your "Pending, Cleared, Scheduled" idea! That would be a great one to turn into an 'Idea Post'. I'd vote for it!

    Spreadsheet user since forever.
    Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
    Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.

  • dagnabit2000
    dagnabit2000 Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023

    @ajbopp I "disliked" your comment because if you read the thread the word "Paid" is no longer in play, It discusses using "Scheduled" vs. "Paid". Your down vote is actually down vote for marking the transaction as "Scheduled". I agree with you that "Paid" is not the right word, but disagree that the thread and feature as discussed in the thread should be downvoted based on your reasoning in your comment.

    @Coach Natalie any chance you can change the title of the tread to "Scheduled" vs "Paid".


    [corrected user tag]

  • CamperWill
    CamperWill Member
    edited May 2023

    This is a must-have feature, not having the ability to mark a recurring transaction as "scheduled" (or similar) severely restricts the usability of this platform. Is this anywhere on the upcoming roadmap [removed]?

  • tlarson
    tlarson Member

    Very needed feature

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think this would be useful for me now as well. It's not 100% clear how i would use it, but i have recently started delaying paying bills until the statement date, so i'll be doing more scheduling payments in advance rather than paying them right away.

    Rob Wilkens

  • What is the latest status of a simple choice of some kind of wording regarding whether you have processed the bill on your end or not, whether it be "scheduled" or "paid" or "processed" or something so we know we touched that bill and sent it for payment, whether it clears or not, which can be determined through the bank balance. Quicken entered the pending transaction in the check register…please make Simplifi do this before I have to leave. I just download all of my info and love it so far, until it came time to try to figure out what bills I have already paid for the month and had to build a spreadsheet for it.

  • Looking to switch from Quicken, however the fact you can't flag a payment as "Scheduled" will not work for me.

    In Quicken I use the "Bill and Income Reminders" to enter the transactions (usually a month in advance) in the register. This allows me to keep a running balance on my account. Additionally I use an even amount ($100 for a $78.90 recurring bill) when entering the reminder in the register. When the bill is scheduled I do two things: I enter the actual amount (obvious the bill has been sched), and in the 'Check#' window I enter "Sched".

    If the scheduled transaction does not clear around the scheduled payment date I know there's a problem and I look into it.

  • CROforce
    CROforce Member
    edited August 2023

    I pay some bills with my credit card to collect points. What I normally do is, when bills are paid, I will pay that balance on the same day from my checking to the credit card, so I have set up reoccurring transfers to the CC. Now the question is, from the simplify UI, how do I make sure that bill is actually paid and that I didn't perhaps forgot to submit the payment? It does show as due today or tomorrow or in 5 days, whatever the case might be, but I have so many transactions. How do I know I submitted the payment?

    As an example, in Quicken, I would have a Bill, and I have to click on it and click on "Enter Transaction," which would disappear from my Bill menu (I do this when I pay the bill) and would be recorded as pending transactions (not cleared/reconciled) in the account I paid from. This way I know I made the payment

  • CROforce
    CROforce Member

    If marked as "pending", and moved down like a manual bill entry would be awesome. This way we know we processed the bill payment. @Coach Natalie Any news on this? I feel this should be a simple implementation.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @CROforce If no news has been posted on an issue, anytime someone asks @Coach Natalie for updates, her reply is basically that there are no updates but she'll be sure to post it when there is one. The thing to remember is that there are many, many requests for feature changes in this forum, some may be easier or higher priority and get done sooner than others. But "to set your expectations" some requests have been pending over 2 years (even though they say they're working on them).

    Rob Wilkens