Ability to mark Recurring Reminders as "Scheduled"/"Paid" [edited] (19 Merged Votes)

When viewing Upcoming transactions (Bills), it would be nice to be able to mark the Bill as 'Paid' so it doesn't just show as 'Upcoming.' That way, at a glance, you could tell which bills you have already scheduled payments for and which ones you still need to pay. Currently, the only option there is 'Delete planned instance.'
As a current workaround to the lack of this feature, I am just adding $0 redundant transaction so I can tell when one has been paid vs one that has not. This works OK on the ios app where $0 transaction defaults to Green under 'Planned Activity.'
No one wants to inadvertently miss a credit card or bill payment, and adding this feature would help prevent that.
Another workaround I have found is to add a 'Paid' Tag to the upcoming transaction, but you have to click on the upcoming transaction on iOS app to view the tag. On a web browser, there doesn't appear to be a way to view Tags on upcoming transactions, so this workaround would only work on the phone app.
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@givehim6 That's a very interesting suggestion. At the moment, Simplifi considers a upcoming bill as "paid" when it successfully matches it to a posted transaction from your bank. If it remains unmatched, it usually stays in the Upcoming list in "Waiting" status until you delete it. Which is okay if the actually posted charge is shown in the list of your transactions. But, as I've noted in a couple of other posts here, you can also edit the details of one of those posted transactions to assign it to an existing bill on your recurring list, which should improve the chances of Simplifi matching it next time.
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Thanks for responding. To clarify, my suggestion has nothing to do with 'Matched' transactions. It is more for bills like credit cards that you have scheduled to be paid in the future, so you can mark them as paid until the match happens. For example, if a credit card bill is due on the 28th, but I went online to the credit card website/app on the 10th and scheduled the payment for the 28th, I want to be able to mark that credit card bill as paid at that point rather than waiting for it to match the transaction on the 28th.
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That makes great sense. I'd like a feature like that myself, that allows me to mark a credit card as "paid early." Thanks for the suggestion!
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There is a difference between "paid" and "cleared". When I pay a bill, I want it to go away from upcoming bills, since it is no longer an upcoming bill, but a pending/uncleared transaction.
This applies to all of my bills. If I pay the energy bill on the 10th, (and it is due on the 10th) but it doesn't clear until the 13th, I don't want it clogging my upcoming bills view for 3 days. I want to see what unpaid bills are next.
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@jesse That makes sense. I'd be interested if other users would like to see this change as well.
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I see two very reasonable solutions to this:
1) Add a status called something like "Sent" or "Submitted" or "It's in the mail"
; or
2) Allow a way to manually add the upcoming instance of a recurring bill into the register and show a clear distinction between upcoming recurring and items entered in the register in advance.**This is a critical missing feature. ** Many people use this type of application to make sure they don't forget to pay something. Currently I see many "upcoming", but I can't recall with certainty which ones I've already taken care of.
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@samccauley I would recommend submitting this in out Feedback so we can have other members vote on this wonderful idea!
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When viewing Upcoming transactions (Bills), there is currently no way to tell which bills you have already scheduled payments for (therefore you can relax about them), and which ones you still need to pay (therefore you better keep them in mind).
I see two very reasonable solutions to this:
1) Add a status that the user can set on transactions called something like "Sent" or "Submitted" or "It's in the mail"; or
2) Allow a way to manually add the upcoming instance of a recurring bill into the register and show a clear distinction between upcoming recurring and items entered in the register in advance.
**This is a critical missing feature. ** Many people use this type of application to make sure they don't forget to pay something. Currently I see many "upcoming", but I can't recall with certainty which ones I've already taken care of.3 -
@samccauley Excellent idea!
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I agree one hundred percent. The recent update to have the upcoming banner at the top of the transactions view was a fantastic upgrade. For me, even something as simple as a check mark would be awesome. I open the dialog, click "scheduled" and a check mark appears on the placard when I close the dialog.
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@samccauley This is a great suggestion! You've got my vote! (A reminder that other users are welcome to register their support for ideas like these by clicking the "up arrow" at the bottom of the original message to cast a vote for it.)
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I agree 100% Need to be able to understand what bills/income reminders etc are "Paid" or "Scheduled"
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1) ability to mark a reoccurring transaction as paid if it is paid in advance and ignore an instance of it.
2) ability to differentiate all new transactions since the last time I looked (would like to verify all are valid).
3) Ability to go out to a biller and get bill information (balance and due date for a credit card for example)
I use quicken to track my bills and ensure when I schedule two weeks with of transactions that my account balance will not dip below $0. I also use it to verify all bills have been paid and that any new transactions from the last time I looked are valid. Please add these features to Simplifi.
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@dagnabit2000 Thanks for your suggestions. Some of them are already under consideration, With recurring transactions, Simplifi works best when a "posted" transaction is matched with a recurring reminder. For linked accounts, paying "in advance" would be reconciled once the posted transaction is downloaded. With reminders for manually created accounts, you would need to enter the payment manually, and delete the reminder. There's currently no way to "match" them. We appreciate all of your ideas, because we want to make Simplifi work the way that works best for you.
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Can a Paid status be added to Upcoming transactions reminders? This would indicate the true status of all manually and auto paid transactions that have been paid online but have not posted to the register. This could be automatically set for auto payments based on the series definition, but would need to be user settable for manual payments.
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@EddieTrina Great suggestion! I went ahead and moved it and made it so other members of the community can show support for this!
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Thanks Paco! I hope other members like the idea.
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This would be an awesome feature!
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This would be helpful and makes following upcoming bills easier0
Any updates on this request?0
Hello @givehim6,
Thanks for reaching out!
Still no update to provide on this one as of yet, but please be sure to stay tuned for any future updates!
-Coach Natalie-Coach Natalie
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For the ability to 'pause' or 'skip' an instance of a Recurring Reminder, please be sure to add your votes here -- https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/2102/ability-to-pause-skip-payments-in-recurring-bills-subscriptions#latest
Thanks!-Coach Natalie
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@samccauley has some good ideas here.
I would add a request while your at it for "Skipped" or something like that. It would get used to mark those that - for whatever reason - don't need paid that month. In Quicken Desktop, this is primarily used for CC's with no balance.Chris
Spreadsheet user since forever.
Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.0 -
Bump. I do not want this request to die. It seems simple to add a check box or something. The older I get the more important this feature becomes1
There should be a way to indicate that an upcoming transaction has been scheduled. For example if my credit card payment is due on the 20th of the month, I can go to the card web site on the 10th and schedule the payment to happen on the 20th. In Simplifi there is no way to tell if the payment has been scheduled and if I delete the transaction it does not show up in my Cashflow.
Help!!!!1 -
Hello @dagnabit2000,
Thanks for posting your suggestion to the Community!
Although I'm not sure that this is something that we'd be able to implement, as the information would most likely need to be provided by our Bill Connect Service Provider and I'm uncertain that this is within their ability, we can go ahead and leave this post as an Idea post so that other Users can add their votes and comments, and our Product Team can review it.
In regards to deleting the Reminder once you've scheduled the payment, you're correct that doing so will remove the upcoming item from your Projected Cash Flow. You may consider leaving the Reminder until the actual transaction downloads and is linked to the Reminder so that your Cash Flow Projection remains accurate. More details on using the Recurring Transaction feature can be found here.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
-Coach Natalie-Coach Natalie
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Hey Coach,
Thank you for your quick response. I have a simpler more manual solution to the problem. While it would be awesome if you could get the information from the biller directly, for me, I am willing to accept something like the "Reviewed" checkbox in the Transaction tab. If there was a "Scheduled" check box somehow incorporated into the views of the Upcoming transactions, that would help me see that I already scheduled the transaction and allow it to remain in the Cashflow and I will know that the bill was scheduled and I just have to wait for the transaction to show up in the account for the bill to be linked.
Thank you for your time.
Dave G2 -
Hello @dagnabit2000,
Gotcha! That makes sense, and I think it's a great suggestion -- I've updated the title of your post accordingly!
-Coach Natalie-Coach Natalie
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Under the Upcoming Section, it will be great to have an checkmark besides the transactions that we can check when making payments, this will show clearly from the list which bills payment were sent.