Ability to mark Recurring Reminders as "Scheduled"/"Paid" [edited] (19 Merged Votes)



  • dagnabit2000
    dagnabit2000 Member ✭✭✭

    Ok then @RobWilk how about we all just say "BUMP", or Hey @Coach Natalie We all still want this feature and we hope that you put some focus on it. So, with that in mind, let me be the first.

  • ellinj
    ellinj Member

    I'd love to be able to see the full details including notes and tags in the web app, it is possible in the iOS version, Seems like an oversight.

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2023

    If I really needed to keep track of what I've sent payment for and what I haven't, I think I'd likely use flags. Red means I need to pay it, green means the payment has been sent. Something like that. Seems like exactly the sort of thing the flag field is meant for.

    This would be more helpful, perhaps, if you could flag an instance of a recurring series. Just add a flag check to this dialog:

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Paul H.
    Paul H. Member

    I use my bank to manually schedule and pay recurring bills. I added all the recurring bills to the calendar. However, I have to wait for that scheduled payment to be downloaded to transactions before it is matched with the scheduled bill. Therefore, I don't know what is scheduled to be paid already versus those bills that I still need to schedule. It would be nice for me to flag that recurring bill within Simplifi as scheduled to be paid so I know what is scheduled versus what I still need to schedule to be paid before the transaction comes in.

  • Badwolf
    Badwolf Member

    this would be useful. Seems like a mandatory feature that should already be in the product

  • I came here to post this exact same thing! I would love a space for the confirmation numbers in with the scheduled confirmation also. Its nice to have them associated with payments, but I don't want to store them until it posts.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You got my vote. As is, I'm currently paying bills 'immediately' when charges occur, but i would prefer to schedule payments for the future, but it's difficult without this feature. Unfortunately, I can't edit the 'name' of 'just one instance' or i would edit the name of that instance and maybe put a "(p)" or "*" in front of the name. I can only edit the name of the whole series.

    What you can do to work around this, perhaps, is create a MANUAL transaction that is FUTURE DATED (with an indicator in the name that it is paid), then DELETE the recurring reminder instance (or edit the next date of the series).

    Rob Wilkens

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2023

    This existing idea seems to be the same but with more votes

    [removed link to merged thread]

    Rob Wilkens

  • 100% need this.

  • kents
    kents Member ✭✭

    Yes, this would be perfect for people who write checks & snail mail vs eft to pay bills. We do a combination of both.

  • Wedo778
    Wedo778 Member ✭✭✭✭

    New convert from the closing mint.

    Adding my voice here. There are some bills I can set to autopay so I know it will be paid on time. But some things, like my car insurance or water bill, I have to manually pay each time. I schedule them for the day the bill is due. But without a way to mark an upcoming bill as "scheduled", I have no way to know which ones I have taken care of and which ones I havent gotten to yet.

    I've seen the suggestions to use tags, but this is messy and requires a bunch of clicks to see what is still unscheduled.

  • mahka42
    mahka42 Member

    Upvoted and adding another comment here to desperately ask for some method to track which "upcoming transactions/bills" have been scheduled, and which have not. I just spent several minutes tracking down whether one of my credit card bills had had its payment scheduled yet. Since I do not have any cards on auto-pay, I have to manually track when I've scheduled a payment. As a Mint refugee, I accomplished this by manually entering the transaction into the ledger. It was grayed as pending, so I could tell at a glance which billers had payments scheduled and which did not.

    Since Simplifi puts both manually entered transactions and recurring bills all into the pending transactions list, understandably to provide accurate cash flow projections, it's difficult to see which bills are just "here's a reminder" vs "this is scheduled and is awaiting the bank pull." Even a bill checklist on a separate screen would be useful. Essentially, a "this is when the check was cut" tracker.

    My workaround right now is just to set recurring credit card bills as "0" so they appear in the tracker, and then update the date and amount once I schedule the payment. Considering Discover is the only supported biller for me right now, I don't have to worry too much about screwing up linked billers.

  • idlehand
    idlehand Member

    New to Simplifi coming from Mint and looking to consolidate another product that does my balance forecasting on my accounts. This feature is the #1 thing I need in order to make sure I do not miss paying any bills. It seems like a simple change to use a Flag or even a Tag.

    Would also be nice in the bill reminders to note if you have a transaction set to Autopay or not. There are times I forget what accounts I have set to Autopay and ones I do not.

    Sad this has been going on for years without any traction.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    This works for me, tag the transaction as in auto pay or something. I rather not mark the reminder as paid right away as sometimes banks have outages or issues and the payment may not go through. If the payment is marked as paid in advance, I will not be able to catch the issue.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • atommasi
    atommasi Member ✭✭
    edited January 25

    I can't believe four years later and this simple feature still doesn't exist. Many times I'll pay a bill and it doesn't clear the bank for a few days. Mortgage and electric are a couple that come to mind. They use ACH for payments and it can take almost a week sometimes for the payments to clear. In the meantime, I have to remember that it was paid and ignore it in Quicken, even though it's now showing as past due.

    All we need is some sort of checkbox on the bill reminder stating that payment was submitted/scheduled and remove it from upcoming bills and don't show it as past due if that box is checked.

  • I request the same feature.

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 29

    This has probably been mentioned somewhere else in the history of this thread (probably even by me!), but I address this problem by putting a green flag next to the item. I know that the only time I use that color of flag is to mark a bill as paid even though it hasn't cleared. I also include the check #, when applicable, in the notes field. This way I always know what I have paid and what I have yet to pay.

    It would be helpful if this flag showed up in more places than just the transaction list and transaction details. Including flags on the dashboard widget, for instance, or in the spending plan.

    But basically this seems to provide all the functionality people are asking for.,

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Wedo778
    Wedo778 Member ✭✭✭✭

    That doesn't help when you don't have a pending transaction listed yet. If I schedule my car insurance to be automatically withdrawn from my checking account 3 weeks from now, I want the scheduled bill to have an indicator that it has a scheduled payment today. That way I know whether I still have to go out to my insurance website and schedule it or not. A week from now I might forget whether I have done that yet, and I wind up compulsively checking on it several times to make sure I have the next payment set up.

    I have one monthly, and several other periodic bills like that which either don't allow for automated bill pay or I don't want to because I want to review the bill first and ensure I don't need to look into changing providers.

  • idlehand
    idlehand Member

    That can work for one time transactions but not for recurring bills like say your electric bill. That will not show up in your transaction history until its paid. My challenge is having some sort of flag for items that are already scheduled in advance via the Spending Plan.

    How can I tell that these have been scheduled to be paid or the bills are even updated(Yes I know my electric bill can do that but many of my bills cannot)? Just seems like a simple add to the software.

    Admittedly I am new to the platform, but If there is a better way to handle this, I am open to ideas.

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    I see. Sounds like that would be able to be addressed if Q-Simplifi added the flag control to the Edit Reminder dialog from the Upcoming page in Bills and Payments.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Wedo778
    Wedo778 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Yes, in my mind that's basically how this enhancement request would work. Personally I'd label the checkbox "payment scheduled" but I could use a "reviewed" option as that so long as it displays on the Bills & Payments reminder list and I don't have to click/tap into it to see that it has been marked.

    Ideally, when setting up the series this is also an additional field. "This bill is always automatically scheduled" so that we don't have to do this on every bill, only ones we have to schedule/pay manually. I know there are workarounds for this like making automatic ones bills and manual ones subscriptions. But if we're going to update this, lets do it right.

  • idlehand
    idlehand Member

    @Wedo778 100% the option for tagging a bill as Auto Pay would be great as well.

  • skibunny2k
    skibunny2k Member

    i 2nd the fact we should be able to mark upcoming bills as paid or scheduled.

  • Plus 1000 on needing this feature. Coming from Prism and this was huge reason why I continued to use that app (though soon to be retired). I could easily go in and mark bills as paid or pay them directly via the app, so each paycheck I’d quickly be able to see what was spent against my total bank balance. Here Quicken has a nice summary that gets updated via the reminders and bank balance. Nice feature, but guess what…the connection with my credit union is already broke and no end in sight when it’ll get fixed. Which has now rendered the all almost useless since I can’t link a transaction. It’s now basically just an old school spreadsheet of what I need to pay every two weeks. They’ve suggested I delete the reminders, but then that screws up the summary.

  • GregP810
    GregP810 Member
    edited February 19

    I get paid bi-weekly and pay all my bills due before the next pay date. What would be nice is to somehow flag the reminder cards when a transaction has been entered for a future date.

    I did a quick search and did not see this idea posted- forgive me if it has been!

    UPDATE: I did find this post with the same idea!

    [removed link to merged thread]

  • kents
    kents Member ✭✭

    Yes, I agree. We paid some bills by snail mail. It would be advantagtious to have these marked some way to show they are paid, but not yet cleared. The reminders could reflect this also.

  • kdesq
    kdesq Member

    My main bank doesn't allow Simplify downloads so this would be so great for a MANUAL account. The reminder certainly shows on the timeline, but then I have to re-enter it as a transaction and then it won't actually come off the total until the next day's date. Weird stuff. So, I lie to it and change to the date to yesterday then it reduces the balance in the account on the left. So, if a button was added, for manual accounts, to post the reminder as a transaction to the account that would be wonderful.

  • kents
    kents Member ✭✭

    Absolutely needed for users like me who use mailed checks and eft together. Thanks, Kent

  • Bpmiller
    Bpmiller Member

    I request this feature also. It’s a no brainer.

  • Frustrated406
    Frustrated406 Member

    Your paying users have been requesting this feature since 2020 — a full four years ago. This is such a fundamental component of any financial management system. How difficult would it be for your dev team to just add a flavg/field/drop down to recurring transactions that gave the option to mark it as "Paid/scheduled/pending?" Really — how much work? Wow…