Update next reminder amount for credit cards automatically using the account balance (edited)



  • mnm86
    mnm86 Member

    Another vote for this feature! This was my primary use of mint and very disappointed its not here. will see how the next 30 days go but may cancel if it's not there soon.

  • Facu
    Facu Member
    edited April 12

    +1 also looking for a Mint alternative and I’m having a ton of issues trying to get simplifi to show a simple view of all my due dates and statement balances.

    I have added the credit cards as accounts and recurring payments and have also connected the billers. It does this really odd thing where the bills show as transfers and give me both a credit and debit for the same amount. Maybe I need to delete the credit card from accounts? It seems like a lot of work to get this properly setup, even after importing all the mint data.

    still considering other options because of this

  • ABen
    ABen Member


    Doesn't make sense to have projected cash flows if it can't pull in CC Payments. Projected cash flow should be able to quantify the next payment as well as the rolling average of payments.

  • emisch
    emisch Member

    FWIW this feature worked well in Mint. It would automatically pull the credit card statement balance and due date; and show it on the upcoming payments. I think it may see that I have an automatic payment set up, but not sure about that. I use a Chase Credit Card and an Amex; both worked fine.

  • +1 for this feature.

    Also coming from Mint where I took this feature for granted. I have at least a dozen cards that I would like to have shown on my projected cash flow, the reminders don't work as expected. I somehow have duplicate reminders and series that have some transactions and another series with the other transactions. I only made one series…. It's saying I have payments past due, but I have them all set up with Autopay so I know that is not true. It doesn not track transactions and map them correctly.
    If I have to do this manually, I may as well go back to using Excel for my forecasting. It was cumbersome to update all the time but it works…
    I miss Mint!!!

  • MM123
    MM123 Member ✭✭

    +1 for this feature, I just saw this discussion here after posting the same issue in another post.
    I feel the list of credit card due amounts sorted by the due date, is a crucial piece of the monthly overview of my finances.
    In my opinion, in the absence of this crucial information, the current bill projection is misleading.

    Reference: Missing view for Credit Card Bills and Payments

    The primary flaw lies in the lack of a consolidated view of all bills and payments due in a given month. This feature is not only a common requirement but also a reasonable expectation, as seen in other financial management platforms like Mint, NerdWallet, and Personal Capital (empower).
    While Simplifi does offer a section for upcoming payments, it falls short of accurately projecting credit card statement amounts.

    Instead of retrieving the statement amount due directly from my connected credit card accounts, Simplifi seems to rely on recurring payment transactions from my checking account. While this approach may work for certain recurring expenses like insurance premiums or Netflix subscriptions, it fails to account for the dynamic nature of credit card bills.

    As someone who manages multiple credit cards with varying spending patterns, I find it misleading when Simplifi suggests upcoming credit card bills based on previous transactions. For instance, projecting a $550 bill for my Chase card simply because I paid that amount last month does not align with the reality of my spending habits.

    I want to emphasize that my intention in providing this feedback is not to express personal disappointment but rather to contribute to the improvement of your product. I believe that resolving this issue will enhance the overall user experience for myself and other Simplifi users.

    Here is a SAMPLE view from another app Empower from Personal Capital which I am missing in in Simplifi.

  • Carlo
    Carlo Member

    I'm coming from Mint, as many others…

    I do not understand why on earth the "Bills & Payments" page in Quicken does not list the upcoming CC payments and reflects them in the "Projected Cash Flow".

    Everyone of us has more than 1 CC. Mint was very useful in providing the list of the future payments that are scheduled, based on the CC balance. So, the proper cash flow from the bank account could be managed, transfers made between accounts, etc… It was easy if i had enough money on one account to pay for the CC bill and plan accordingly…

    At this moment Quicken Bills and Payments reminds me of "expenses" in the terms of categorized transaction regardless of the form of payment. But paying an expense with CC does not affect my immediate Cash flow, until i settle the CC statement.

    The consequential "Projected cash flow" idea is very interesting, but for me at the moment is completely useless, because it lacks a lot of information on actual cash-outs to other institutions (my bank paying my CC).

  • Carlo
    Carlo Member

    This is absolutely the right thing to do and I really do not understand why we have to beg for this feature.

    It's completely nonsense to have cash flow withouth CC payments…

    I'm with you 100%

  • +1 for this feature.

  • Mke3316
    Mke3316 Member

    I can't believe I just spent hours re-adding all my accounts to simplifi only to find out it doesn't support one of the MOST CRITICAL features of this whole thing. The point of an aggregator is so I don't have to login as frequently to my individual accounts. How can I do that if simplifi doesn't display upcoming credit card balance/due dates.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    While my workaround above is OK, this is one of the features I miss from Mint. We will appreciate updates and prioritization.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • MM123
    MM123 Member ✭✭

    how can we know if Quicken is working on it. It is a deal breaker for many of us and need some acknowledgement from quicken before we renew the subscription

  • Wedo778
    Wedo778 Member ✭✭✭✭

    It seems like they lock voting when they are actively developing things. Definitely do that when they are close to releasing, since we arent behind the curtain I dont know if anyone here can say if thats the exact point when development has begun or if they start working on it while voting is still open.

  • +1 for this feature

  • Will222
    Will222 Member


    The ONLY reason I use a money tracker is to track my credit card balances and upcoming due dates. I only transfer the amount due to my checking account which I use to pay all of my credit cards(11 of them). I might cancel if another app does this for the same price.

  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭

    That sounds amazing! Thanks for the update! I hope American Express is on your list as well :)

  • MM123
    MM123 Member ✭✭

    great news!!!

  • pwhelan81
    pwhelan81 Member

    Thanks for the update…waiting expectantly!!!

    -Quicken Desktop 2005-2014
    -Mint 2014-2023
    -Simplifi in Jan 2024 (fleeing from Credit Kharma)
    -Excel forever!!!

  • Blake2024
    Blake2024 Member


  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Looking forward to this. I have 3 Capital One credit cards that I use often.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • KB2014
    KB2014 Member ✭✭
    edited July 12

    [Update: I posted this when I got to the bottom of page 1 of the thread's comments, not noticing there were 3 more pages! (suprised there weren't 300 more). I see it's being worked on. That's encouraging, but it's also disheartening to learn that this feature doesn't yet exist in simplifi! (And the last update from simplifi was nearly two months ago.) To me this seems to be a no-brainer absolute requirement for any personal finance software to even have the nerve to be on the market. My mind is blown. I can't believe I've spent several days setting up all my accounts and learning how simplifi works, and now that I've reached what I hoped would be the end of the rainbow (an accurate cash flow forecast for my checking account) it's not available without a lot of manual work and hassle each week. That's what simplifi is supposed to eliminate. Wow.]

    [Original post] No comments by simplifi staff? What's the status of this? Like every simplifi user who uses credit cards, I want simplifi to look at the payment information on the credit card servers whenever it refreshes my transactions, and just like I do on the website for each credit card, I want to be able to specifiy for each credit card in simplifi what I want to pay:

    • minimum balance due (which I do frequently with 0% interest cards)
    • statement balance (which I do for the others that charge 9999% APR interest!)
    • or a fixed amount, if some people might do that

    This is just standard, common sense stuff. Simplifi shouldn't need to look at my transactions and calculate how much I might need to pay; we see that for every credit card in the universe when we log into their web page. Simplifi is doing this every 6 hours, or whatever, so why can't they look at the payment date/amount data? I want this SIMPLIFIED for myself; I don't want to frequently have to log into my credit cards, check to see due date and amount, and then go into simplifi to manually adjust a generic (always wrong) forecast. I want it to use the data that's already available.

    Quicken/simplifi: what's the status here?

  • trd716
    trd716 Member

    Awesome news can't wait

  • nakada
    nakada Member ✭✭
    edited August 16

    I have set reminders for all Credit Cards I use, but currently I have to set a value for it as It is not intelligent enough to give me the information on what was the final statement balance I must pay. I know there are people that for one reason or another do not pay it in full, but it would be very helpful to have the reminder showing me what was the value of the closed statement. It would also make it easy to Quicken Simplifi to identify the payment (when made in full), and to update the Cash flow.

  • trewbux
    trewbux Member

    @Coach Natalie Any update on expected release date for this feature?

  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @trewbux,

    We don't have any updates or ETA to provide yet. I recommend following this discussion since any updates, once available, will be posted here.

    Thank you!

    -Coach Kristina

  • cdorsi
    cdorsi Member ✭✭
    edited September 28

    Since some credit card issuers seem to show no interest in cooperating with financial aggregators (e.g. Capital One) on the eBill/biller side (it's not just Quicken, I can't get an eBill with my bank for them either), it would be great to have a work around to link the bill amount to the card balance instead. The user would just need to specify a credit card account which already syncs a balance to Simplifi, the monthly statement date (date to take the balance on), and the monthly due date. Simplifi would automatically update the bill for the next due date based on the card balance on the statement date.

    For example, if the statement date is the 20th of the month and the bill due date is the 10th of the month. Every 20th, Simplifi would update the coming bill amount for the 10th of the following month. If the balance on April 20 was $300, it would then set the bill due for May 10 to $300, regardless of the default amount or the balance of the card on May 10.

    [Merged Post]

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 28

    This request is in progress and it is quite popular. Comment on the post below. I look forward to this ability myself.

    Update next reminder amount for credit cards automatically using the account balance (edited) — Simplifi (simplifimoney.com)

    [Merged Post]

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present