We would like progress updates on Apple Card (edited)



  • Devlpr
    Devlpr Member

    what’s the status for Apple Card support being that I paid for this service.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It's probably not there yet. No one has posted saying it was.

    Rob Wilkens

  • nakada
    nakada Member ✭✭

    Hi All,

    I understand Quicken development team has a well-defined schedule and a list of new features, or institutions to be added, but I believe that the number of users asking for the Apple Card transactions and Apple GS Savings accounts to be able to be updated "online", instead of using the import feature is considerable high.

    After the last update in iOS to 17.4, we are all anxiously waiting for this. Is it possible to at least set the time expected to have this?


  • random
    random Member ✭✭

    1 month later...🦗🦗🦗

  • Devlpr
    Devlpr Member

    Apple’s iOS is now 17.4.1

  • N4KHQ
    N4KHQ Member ✭✭✭✭

    I think this show they are working on Apple Card. After a security breach at Valic months ago they changed the layout out for connecting. A couple of weeks ago I was able to connect 1 of 4 accounts at Valic. I have been deleting the account regularly and adding the account again, hoping it will find 4 accounts. Today I noticed after finding my valic account and entering passwords the popup for Linking or New account had Apple Card as an option. Anyone know why Apple Card is in the list?

  • nakada
    nakada Member ✭✭

    I believe it is an indication something in about to be released, but Quicken should keep us updated on their plans or estimate dates to implement this kind of things. It doesn't hurt to be informed of what will be the content of next releases. If something goes south, just say it needed more time to deal with bugs and errors, but simply saying nothing is not what I expected from them.

    I am new to Quicken, so maybe I am talking without knowing where to find it, but is there any post here informing what will be the next institutions to be added?

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    The nature of software development (because you're doing something new and not merely piecing together already assembled parts) is frequently that you don't know exactly how long something will take until it's done. And even when it's "done," it really has to go through a good amount of testing/QA to ensure it has no significant problems. As a software developer who works alone, I know that while I'm very good at fixing bugs, I'm not good at testing and identifying bugs in my software. I also know I've estimated that things could take months, but I finished them in less than a day, and of course, the reverse.

    Quicken found out "relatively recently" that Apple Card support was available on device (meaning it won't work from the web app), and I suspect up until now they never had financial institution sync code in the mobile app (I imagine it was all server-side before). I wouldn't expect the changes to be quick, but i take them on their word that they're "working on it" and that they understand it's in their best interest to support this.

    Rob Wilkens

  • N4KHQ
    N4KHQ Member ✭✭✭✭

    The apps that currently sync with Apple Card were picked by Apple for development of the API. I would think much assistance was given from Apple and Simplifi is not receiving the same assistance.

  • imdZigman
    imdZigman Member ✭✭

    All…one workaround that may work until Simplifi and Apple Card integration occurs - Empower Dashboard (formerly known as Personal Capital), now supports Apple Card. From that, you can synchronize, then download the transactions from Empower, then upload them to Simplifi. It's a very annoying and tedious workaround, but - one option.

  • Jonathan4528
    Jonathan4528 Member ✭✭
    edited May 2024

    Quicken Simplifi support continues to provide inaccurate and false information regarding this feature. It’s very frustrating that repeated requests for even an update are met with false information stating Apple has not provided Quicken Simplifi a way to access Apple Card and Apple Savings data. Apple Released FinanceKit on March 6th, which is an API for developers like Quicken Simplifi to use to access Apple Card and Apple Savings data. I think the best solution at this point is to request a refund and find a better app.

    [removed - no soliciting]

  • random
    random Member ✭✭
    edited May 2024

    Although some recent comments raise valid points, it's worth noting that Quicken, a premier accounting software company with 'over 200 employees', should have been more in tune & responsive with Apple given its stature. Many of us were drawn after the demise of Mint to generally satisfying Simplifi, & were told many times over the last few months that Apple Card support was imminent, (including in a post by the CEO at one point which is now oddly not to be found by my search?). So we stuck with Simplifi rather than jump to the other apps that had support for it... We now still continue to face daily frustration due to its absence. Despite Simplifi's many strengths, the lack of this feature necessitates urgent attention from Quicken. While I understand dealing with Apple can be difficult or may take time, even an official progress update would be greatly appreciated.

  • N4KHQ
    N4KHQ Member ✭✭✭✭

    I copied UrsalA post from a previous post:

    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭March 8 edited March 8

    I saw an announcement from Quicken Lee regarding Apple Card. Check it out.

    Yes, Apple Card support is coming!
    I can officially confirm it's coming and VERY soon. I'll share more when I have those details.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present


  • nakada
    nakada Member ✭✭

    I think that, sometimes, VERY soon has VERY different meanings depending on the perspective!

  • Jerrod
    Jerrod Member ✭✭

    It would be nice to get an update on this. Some detail about technical issues that are getting in the way of implementation, etc., would go a long way in helping the community understand what's going on.

  • nakada
    nakada Member ✭✭

    Come on … I just updated my iPhone to 17.5 and nothing from you in supporting the Apple Card information! It is just frustrating!

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey everyone, as promised we have an update on Apple Card! We finally received permission from Apple Card to allow integration for iOS users. This came with the iOS 17.4 release discussed here: https://9to5mac.com/2024/03/05/ios-17-4-lets-budgeting-apps-easily-access-apple-card-cash-and-savings-data/

    We apologize to any Android users who may use Apple Card; we were only able to get the integration through the new iOS feature. Otherwise, I hope this is great news for many of you!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • junofirst
    junofirst Member

    @Coach Natalie do you know when we can expect this integration?

  • Jonathan4528
    Jonathan4528 Member ✭✭

    It took Quicken 2.5 months to update users… with information thats 2.5 months old! Is this an actual joke?

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @Jonathan4528 and @junofirst,

    Thanks for the reply. We do not yet have an ETA on the integration yet, but it is well in the works and we will keep everyone updated.


    Coach Jon

  • Jonathan4528
    Jonathan4528 Member ✭✭

    They’ve spent 2 months trying to figure out how to get Apple Card integration on Android and determined it’s not possible. Great job! 👏🏻

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jonathan4528 I don't read that anywhere. All they said was that they got permission from Apple, which was apparently a required step. I don't know what you're reading. If there was a delay on Apple's part to approve them, that's the best explanation for what the last 2+ month "delay" was.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Jonathan4528
    Jonathan4528 Member ✭✭

    We finally received permission from Apple Card to allow integration for iOS users. This came with the iOS 17.4 release discussed here:

    The “update” today from Quicken references Apple’s release of 17.4 which was on… drum roll… March 4th.

    We apologize to any Android users who may use Apple Card; we were only able to get the integration through the new iOS feature.

    This hilarious bit about Android is the only new information we haven’t heard before.

    Whatever they’re paying g you as their apologist clearly isn’t enough. Maybe they should hire you to work on their Apple Card integration on Android.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie You should also have mentioned that support will probably not come to the web app either, not just Android. You can't even USE an apple card without an iPhone (iPad's not good enough, i tried). So about once every year or two, you have like a $1500 annual fee to keep the access to the card with a supported phone.

    Rob Wilkens

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Jonathan4528 If you were an apple card user who actually planned on using this software with it, it would be good news. It's clear you've got another agenda.

    The "update" was the permission. They "referenced" the March newsrelease, and inability to support android to set expectations. If they just said "apple card support is coming soon" all users would expect access.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Jonathan4528
    Jonathan4528 Member ✭✭

    Listen, I’m not above admitting when I’m wrong. Which is entirely possible.

    Apple released FinanceKit with 17.4 (early March). What wasn’t immediately clear to me is that developers need to have an entitlement to use the new FinanceKit API.

    Easy enough requirements to get an entitlement. However, upon looking a little further it appears Apple may not have provided developers with the necessary tools to request an entitlement until more recently.

    None of this explains why Quicken refuses to communicate with us (yes I am a Simplifi user and yes I use Apple Card) anything of value or substance. To me this reflects very poorly on the product management team who should be enabling the coaches to communicate clearly what’s going on in the process.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Quicken tends not to make announcements until there is measurable progress. They tend not to announce things before they're sure they will be there. It always used to frustrate me, me (or anyone) would ask for an update (really expecting it would make it happen faster), and the standard reply was (maybe still is) "We're sorry, we have no updates to share at this time." We can't make their developers work harder, nor can we make them prioritize what we want, by asking for updates on our issue.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Jonathan4528
    Jonathan4528 Member ✭✭

    If Quicken is in this business to make money, then they need to communicate better. They were quick to say they’d add the feature, which was convenient, but when it gets rocky they’re tight lipped. Most people on this thread that I’ve seen are just asking for an update, myself included, not trying to prioritize the backlog.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If it's not there yet, what kind of update are you expecting? Do you want them to show you the code so far? Do you want them to tell you they've got the connection to the account made, maybe are downloading transaction names not amounts yet? Do you want them to tell you they're able to get all the data in the app ("that part is done") but now they have to finish the part where they sync that to the cloud? (all of this is fake, btw)

    My point: The only progress you'll usually see is "work planned" "work begun" "coming soon" "here". And if they haven't announced it yet, there is no update.

    Rob Wilkens

  • N4KHQ
    N4KHQ Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2024

    When Apple released iOS 17.4, they chose CoPilot, YNAB, and Monarch Money for beta testing. No other developer had permission to connect. Simplifi now has permission. Just because you can admit you're wrong doesen't mean you will. Just recently, could you check Apple Card with a web browser, before, you had to use the iOS app Wallet. The beta testers have Apple Card running on web browsers. The only requirement for an iPhone 17.4 is to connect to Apple Card. I think you can even borrow an iPhone for setup. This should not be a problem because Apple Card was centered around Apple Pay, wallet, on the iPhone, and Apple watch. Apple will tell you this is for security and it is true Security is a high priority with Apple but I think it has much to do with Apple echo system. I think Apple card will be available in Simplifi's web browser.

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